Do you remember how liberals ridiculed Reaganomics as the "trickle down theory" of economics? Well, liberals have been practicing the "hose down theory" for decades, and Obama, Pelosi, Frank et al have now obtained firemen's hoses and connected them to hydrants. (Added by Merlin Jetton on 2/27, 7:56am)Discuss this Joke (0 messages) Joke of the year. ... (Read More) (Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 9/20, 9:21am)Discuss this Joke (0 messages) Flanagan was asked to distinguish between an explosion and a collision. "Well, with a collision," he said, "there you are. But with an explosion, where are you?" :-) ... (Read More) (Added by Peter Cresswell on 10/05/2004, 10:22pm)Discuss this Joke (3 messages) Subject: Airport Security Solution ... (Read More) (Added by Sam Erica on 10/22/2004, 9:21pm)Discuss this Joke (7 messages) There were two naked Greek statues that had been facing each other across a courtyard for a thousand years when a muse came by and said, "I'll bring you to life for thirty minutes so you can both do what you most want to do." ... (Read More) (Added by James Heaps-Nelson on 6/18, 6:33am)Discuss this Joke (0 messages) Q: Why is there no Nobel Prize for sociology? ... (Read More) (Added by Andrew Bissell on 7/03, 4:33pm)Discuss this Joke (0 messages) Most Middle Eastern countries recognize the following Islamic law: After having sexual relations with a lamb, it is a mortal sin to eat its flesh. (Read More) (Added by Robert Davison on 8/09, 1:54pm)Discuss this Joke (3 messages) http://boortz.com/more/funny/republican_women.html (Read More) (Added by Jody Allen Gomez on 8/24, 8:05pm)Discuss this Joke (18 messages) Father O'Malley answers the phone. ... (Read More) (Added by Marty Lewinter on 8/30, 12:51pm)Discuss this Joke (0 messages) Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue. (Added by Marty Lewinter on 10/02, 12:56pm)Discuss this Joke (5 messages) |