
Rebirth of Reason

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A Better Philosopher
A Better Philosopher's Joke

Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 2005 13:22:17 EST Subject: Personal Ads of the Philosophers ---- Personal Ads of the Philosophers: Socrates MWM, age unknown (mature, not elderly), famously ugly but a good talker. I like questions, not answers; reason, not passion; wisdom, not wealth; Euripides, not Aristophanes. Seeks ignorant and i... (Read More)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 12/07, 12:40pm)

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Two by two
Two by two

A shipwreck occurs. The survivors swim from the ship to a nearby island. Two Englishmen swim ashore and go to opposite ends of the island because they have not been properly introduced. Two Germans swim ashore and set out to build an autobahn to connect the extreme parts of the island. Two Americans swim ashore and open up a fast food chain. Two... (Read More)

(Added by Robert J. Kolker on 2/22, 4:58am)

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The Name of the Restaurant
The Name of the Restaurant

An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house and, after eating, The wives left the table and went into the kitchen. The two elderly gentlemen were talking, and one says: "Last night we went out to a new restaurant, and it was really great. I would recommend it very highly." ... (Read More)

(Added by Sam Erica on 6/28/2004, 6:16am)

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The Indefatigable Ralph the Rooster and How to Win the War on Terrorism
The Indefatigable Ralph the Rooster and How to Win the War on Terrorism

The Indefatigable Ralph the Rooster ... (Read More)

(Added by Sam Erica on 10/08/2004, 6:53am)

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Something Different
Something Different

http://www.imao.us/sound/Halliburton.mp3 (Read More)

(Added by Jeremy on 10/22/2004, 11:46pm)

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Bob Jones Institute Orders Objectivist Site To "Cease and Desist"!
Bob Jones Institute Orders Objectivist Site To "Cease and Desist"!

Fellow Objectivists, I could tell neither whether this message arrived in earnest or in humor, nor whether it took aim at my personal page or the SOLO Florida page.  I share it here for your amusement. ... (Read More)

(Added by Luther Setzer on 1/12, 9:06am)

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The Flash Mind Reader
The Flash Mind Reader

http://louhi.kempele.fi/~skyostil/archive/dump/flash/psychic.swf[[/A> (Read More)

(Added by Bob Palin on 6/18, 6:56am)

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Lawyers and contraception
Lawyers and contraception

What do lawyers use as contraceptives? ... (Read More)

(Added by Matthew Humphreys on 6/24, 9:48am)

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A testament to litigiousness
A testament to litigiousness

In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods. On a Sears hairdryer -- Do not use while sleeping. (But, that's the only time I have to work on my hair.) On a bag of Fritos -- You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details insi... (Read More)

(Added by Robert Davison on 8/22, 6:02pm)

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Blind Pilot?
Blind Pilot?

The entrance opens, two men dressed in pilots' uniforms walk up the aisle. Both are wearing dark glasses, one is using a guide dog, and the other is tapping his way along the aisle with a cane. Nervous laughter spreads through the cabin, but the men enter the cockpit, the door closes, and the engines start up.         The passengers begin glanc... (Read More)

(Added by Marty Lewinter on 8/23, 7:53am)

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