
Rebirth of Reason

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The Challenge Facing Our Society
The Challenge Facing Our Society

Reason is one of an individual's greatest capacities, as long as that individual chooses to employ it: PVP comic strip for Sept. 13th, 2006 (Read More)

(Added by Scott Cram on 9/13, 3:48pm)

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The Origin of Queer as a $3 Bill
The Origin of Queer as a $3 Bill

A friend of mine asked if I knew the origin of the phrase which he always knew as "queer as a two-dollar bill." Q: I thought the expression was “queer as a two dollar bill” but I’ve heard older people say “queer as a three-dollar bill” and found the latter reference on line. Can you explain the origins of the term? A: The two-dollar... (Read More)

(Added by Ted Keer on 11/13, 9:08pm)

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Gizoogle Yah Shiznit, Yo!
Gizoogle Yah Shiznit, Yo!

Tranzliate this Shiznit to Jive! Click the Spinn'n Rim Beotch! www.myYearbook.com -- Created by 2 high school students to kick myspace's ass Add the Tranzizzle-ata' to Your Site! (Read More)

(Added by Ted Keer on 11/25, 12:26am)

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The Changing Meaning of the Christmas Tree
The Changing Meaning of the Christmas Tree

In the old days, people would bring greenery into their homes hoping for the return of spring. ... (Read More)

(Added by Alexander Butziger on 12/24, 6:03pm)

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Stars Trek to the Roxbury
Stars Trek to the Roxbury

The crew of the Enterprise-E paints the town on New Year's Eve in a picture worth a thousand words. (Read More)

(Added by Luke Setzer on 12/31, 6:37pm)

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Odious Odor
Odious Odor

"Sir, what's that terrible smell?" - ... (Read More)

(Added by Hank E. Rearden on 2/22, 6:46am)

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Cows Explain Politics
Cows Explain Politics

CAPITALISM, AMERICAN STYLE:  You have two cows.  You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows. ... (Read More)

(Added by Michael E. Marotta on 2/24, 7:07am)

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(Why is this section below "Dissent"?)
(Why is this section below "Dissent"?)

That section is frequently more risible than this one!

(Added by Rodney Rawlings on 3/25, 8:40am)

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Der Furher
Der Furher's Face

Donald Duck a Nazi? As the cliche goes, "They don't make 'em like this anymore." ... (Read More)

(Added by Bob Palin on 5/12, 3:14pm)

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Why are apiarists the best judge of esthetics?
Why are apiarists the best judge of esthetics?

Why are apiarists the best judge of esthetics? (See if you can guess the answer!)

(Added by William Dwyer on 5/26, 2:49pm)

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