Air Force One arrives at Heathrow and President Bush strides to a warm and dignified reception from the Queen. They are driven in a 1934 Bentley to the edge of central London where they change to a magnificent 17th century carriage hitched to six white horses. ... (Read More) (Added by Marty Lewinter on 5/19, 2:26pm)Discuss this Joke (10 messages) The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well: Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endot... (Read More) (Added by William Dwyer on 4/24, 6:04pm)Discuss this Joke (6 messages) (Added by Luke Setzer on 4/10, 3:36pm) Discuss this Joke (3 messages) http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s2i17084 (Read More) (Added by Bob Palin on 4/08, 9:10am)Discuss this Joke (1 message) Check out The Force Skeptics Page, and learn the truth behind the so-called "Force" and the lying Jedi who preach it. (Read More) (Added by Scott Cram on 4/04, 3:17pm)Discuss this Joke (6 messages) This really struck me funny this morning. Still can't stop laughing... ... (Read More) (Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 3/30, 3:25am)Discuss this Joke (4 messages) That section is frequently more risible than this one! (Added by Rodney Rawlings on 3/25, 8:40am)Discuss this Joke (12 messages) Behold: ... (Read More) (Added by Warren Chase Anspaugh on 3/16, 10:44am)Discuss this Joke (0 messages) Actually, this is not funny... but it should be! ... (Read More) (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 3/01, 1:49pm)Discuss this Joke (1 message) CAPITALISM, AMERICAN STYLE: You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows. ... (Read More) (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 2/24, 7:07am)Discuss this Joke (0 messages) |