| | Vera it would help if your thoughts on the subject weren't so disjointed. Three of us asked you a simple question and you refused to answer, why should anyone continue discussing this if you refuse to even plainly state your own positions? No one forced you to participate in this discussion.
But after thinking about this further this is the only thing I can possibly think of that you said constituted moral pedo behavior:
same goes for children being able to consent: as i pointed out already in post 120 and 127 there are certainly unclear boundaries how consistent or not the consent of a child can be - but claiming that they have no way to make fully informed decision about their own sexuality smacks of the prejudices pedophilia has encountered for ages: it's our kids that come to us and masturbate in our presence, they ogle us when we walk around naked in the house or the garden, they come cuddling not just for emotional closeness, but sometimes the sexual enjoyment of it or have you never noticed the signs of sexual arousal in a child? maybe most people don't even know what they are when they claim children 'have no capacity to understand sex' especially in cases of pleasure and well-being, children understand very well what is in their best interest - what makes them feel good ... what we as adults have to protect them from is not their pleasure, but explain and teach them the consequences: just as we don't deny our children sweets because they rot their teeth and make them overweight, but teach them to brush and excercise (which most children do anyway if only we let them run around as they wish), so we should not deny them sexual pleasure and sexual curiosity, but teach them about sexuality, to understand it's possiblities and their consequences
what you imly here is that every adult who sees children as sexual beings is forcing his own view of sexuality on a child - this horror has two components we already discussed: force, which would be indeed rape and ignorance, which would fall in the same category as evasion, low selfesteem, etc.yes they exist - but children's sexuality is not governed by them only - and the worst part about this ignorance is that this prudishness to see and educate children as sexual beings has delivered them into the very hands they claim to protect them from - without a clue what's going on - knowledge (and experience) is power!
First off, I find this rambling a bit disjointed. You jump from a child can consent to sex because he/she understands what's in their best interest, and then you say by saying that is not the case, we are forcing our view of sexuality on the child.....and if we do this, then we can't teach children the consequences of sexual behavior....huh? So how could they know what's in their best interests if they have to be taught the consequences to sexual behavior?
The only thing I can basically make out of this that even comes remotely close to you answering a very simple question, is that you sanction pedo behavior if the child initiates sexual contact with an adult by either masturbating in front of them or through sexual touching.
Just because a child may appear to give consent, it doesn't mean 1) that child even understands what they're doing 2) that an adult should indulge in any sexual behavior with the child.
I can get a retarded individual to consent to giving me all of his money, that wouldn't make the action moral, even if the retarded individual initiated the agreement. Instead it would be predatory, and that is what a pedophile is, he/she is simply a predator.
The immense psychological trauma a child endures from being a victim of molestation should lead any rational individual to conclude pedophilia is immoral, and yes absolutely disgusting and sick. Children are easily swayed into doing things they may not want to do, that is they can be manipulated into doing anything. There is a heightened responsibility then for an adult in how he or she goes about treating a child. A child does not have the same capacity for reasoning that an adult has, a child is limited in their understanding of actions and the consequences that come from them.
(Edited by John Armaos on 8/11, 12:13pm)