| | flies buzzing in and around (phyiscally) my head - so i'm up again early and back at it ...
this will be my last posting on sm-morality - i think we're turning in circles with the negative implications around the 'pain & humiliation' factors
Teresa: - Depends on the definition - polygamy: any relationship of three or more persons, in this case also limiting it to sexual relationships (we're trying to get to the morals of sexuality, not just extended families of support) - homosexuality: any relationship that involves partners of the same sex (also with regards to procreation which we discussed on the ibm inheritance thread) - incest: any relationship between first-degree relatives (parent, sibling, in any combination, but leaving out 'under-age' (which we still have not defined) relationships - see below) - pedophilia: any relationship between an 'over-age' and an 'under-age' partner (again sexual connotation - or we'd have to discuss again why a mother lost her children because she photographed them (the children) playing naked in her bed) would that do for starters or am i missing any 'moral' premisses that need to be defined first?
- playful "who's the best cook" contests playful is the key-word here Teresa - and i'd even extend it to 'a safe environment where to live out domination and submission' - it's not being beaten to a pulp that's the turn-on (any thug in the street could do that and be glad to do so) - it's the power-exchange in such a 'play' whithout the fear of losing it - Pat Califia defined it rather well in 'Coming to Power' - it's not 'power-over' someone we seek, but 'power for': someones pleasure, growth, happiness - contrary to e.g. state-power we're not constantly afraid to lose that power and have to subjugate everyone around us to make ourselves feel powerful - we use our power to give pleasure to ourselves and our partners - and if this includes physical pain, then that too the goal is the difference: we seek pleasure and happiness - if we were seeking gratification of our narcissistic power-neurosis we'd become politicians ;P
- I'm not interested in subjective "feelings." then what are the words you are seeking that would make this more than just 'a feeling'? pleasure and happiness is sth deeply personal, sth everyone has to define and find for themselves - no one can 'give' me happiness by defining a set of morals (do this, don't that) and if i follow them i'm pleasured and happy - what turns you on turns me off - so it has to be subjective - the only objectivity is in how thoroughly i evaluate my sexual cravings (to weed out the narcissistic, neurotic, evasive, etc.) and how consistently i apply my findings to pursue my sexual goals i tried to show you my evaluation process - show me yours ;)
- don't be mad if I get it wrong! i'm not mad at your getting it wrong - i'm miffed that you only focus on the (very possible) negative aspects of sm - there are also many positive and healthy ones (as i tried to show), just as there are negative aspects in vanilla sex - that's the objectivity i ask for - not omniscience in all matters sexual
Ted: Teresa and John already answered the pregnancy point - for them it's all in the goal ... and Teresa: if my self-esteem is only 'proclaimed', then so is the pleasure in your baby - i know first-hand what brats they can turn out to be :P
Bill: it's the pleasure - pure and simple - i know i can never actually show you how i feel during such an encounter, but the power-exchange, safe and clean, is more than worth the slander - no matter how often you focus on the negative aspects you overtly imply in every sadomasochistic relationship, in most it's not there - otherwise we'd have died out long ago ;)
- giving birth to another human being who is part of her own flesh and blood why is that 'good' in itself? wouldn't the benefit of a child only show much later through growth into a rational being? what if it doesn't? would Teresa's 'sacrifice' have been in vain? sorry if i'm digressing into child-morality - couldn't resist to pick holes into your arguments as you pick them into mine - no harm intended ;)
Ryan: - Some women enjoy the "getting" part of getting pregnant, too. :) and some don't, so they turn to turkey-basters because they only want the kid - fair is fair ;)
John: - is it or is it not essential to the definition of "masochist" that one enjoys receiving pain for sexual gratification? no - it's not - the core part in most sadomasochistic relationships is the exchange of power - if you go from there you'll find lot's of expressions of such exchanges, some involving pain and physical damage, some not - but without that power for my pleasure, any pain would be just that: pain - and i'd be the first to walk out
- How did S&M sex help you 'grow' just one example of many: sm helped me understand the relationship of power in the world around me - initially at the receiving end only, i was always frustrated by the negativity of that power: by my parents, by society, by the state - yet the most frustrating part was not being forced into subjugation of total irrationality, but the nagging feeling that power does not have to be that way - that it could be great, wonderful, inspiring, and yes: pleasurable (and i'm not talking about my father spanking me :P) sm taught me other ways to express power, to subjugate to it when it benefited me, to fight it when it did not - but basically to understand it in a way no parent, society or state could have done with authority, neurosis or the point of a gun
- have to put with some minor discomfort when exercising so from pain to minor discomfort ;) you don't have to feel pain or discomfort at all to keep your physical body fit - moderate, yet consistent, excersise could do the same without pain or discomfort
- why do some people enjoy S&M, and is it in their best long-term self-interests why do some people enjoy art? or food? or thinking? i cannot tell you why i enjoy sm, the power, the strength, the 'aliveness' of it - pleasure and enjoyment are sensations, so i can only describe them - as i tried to do above - however i can tell you that i and those few sadomasochists i've known personally have all grown to strong, healthy, independant individuals - with a much stronger ego, self-esteem, value-concept, than most of my vanilla-friends - so yes: there's greater risk involved as it requires a much better knowledge of yourself, a ruthless honesty what you actually are, but the end-result is well worth the risk - and the pleasure i gain on the way and no misinterpreting please: i'm not advocating sm as the road to a stronger self - i'm merely saying it was my road and all that harping about sicknes, self-esteem and evasion i left behind at the beginning of that road
- if however it's not, and if there's long-term negative consequences yes - i'd go along with that interpretation of what i said - in a world of duality there's always another side of the same coind
all: so - any takers on the other forms of sexuality and their morality? as i already hinted i currently have no 'partner-in-crime' at home so please stop making me think (and write) about all the wonderful aspects of sm ;)