
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Zantonavitch, Kyrel

June 28, 2008
War for Men's Minds
The War on Jihad and the Jihadis
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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Some basic thoughts on "the war on terror." (Read more...)
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February 1, 2008
Intellectual Ammunition
A World of Devils -- and Political Perfection
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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Having outstanding people in the nation and the government vs. having an outstanding socio-economic and political system. (Read more...)
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August 22, 2007
The Good Life
Sumerian Philosophy
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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The world's first recorded deep thinking. Philosophy before there was philosophy. (Read more...)
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March 21, 2007
Mark Skousen on Ayn Rand and 'Atlas Shrugged'
by Andre Zantonavitch
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A brief look at libertarian Mark Skousen's views of Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged. (Read more...)
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November 19, 2006
War for Men's Minds
Electoral Rebuke
by Andre Zantonavitch
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Thoughts on foreign policy and America's recent election. (Read more...)
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November 3, 2006
War for Men's Minds
The Three Parties
by Andre Zantonavitch
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Some thoughts on the important political parties, and America's upcoming November 8th, 2006 elections. (Read more...)
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October 11, 2006
War for Men's Minds
How to Deal with the Nuclear-Armed North Koreans
by Andre Zantonavitch
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Some thoughts on what America and the West should do about the growing nuclear menace from North Korea.  (Read more...)
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September 27, 2006
War for Men's Minds
Death to the UN!
by Andre Zantonavitch
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Some thoughts on the fundamental nature of the current United Nations. (Read more...)
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August 8, 2006
War for Men's Minds
Fighting Both Enemies to an Actual Victory
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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Some radical thoughts on the current war between Israel and Lebanon. (Read more...)
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July 14, 2006
America's Lawless Executive Branch
by Andre Zantonavitch
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Spying on American bank transactions -- some thoughts. (Read more...)
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June 24, 2006
Yet Another Muslim Atrocity
by Andre Zantonavitch
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What a way to go. Thoughts on the almost hopeless situation in Iraq. (Read more...)
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May 12, 2006
Reality, Sensation, Reason, and Knowledge
by Andre Zantonavitch
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How comprehensible is the universe, how reliable is our understanding of it, and how do we know what we know? Some non-technical speculations on epistemology. (Read more...)
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April 21, 2006
Open vs. Closed
by Andre Zantonavitch
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Is the philosophy of Objectivism an "open system" or a "closed system" of thought? A new view. (Read more...)
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March 22, 2006
Western Free Speech and Rewarding Murder
by Andre Zantonavitch
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Islam is currently waging war on Western free speech. These open and brazen calls to murder Danish cartoonists are simply unacceptable. It's high time the West fought back. (Read more...)
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November 8, 2005
The War with Islam
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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Muslims forever claim the the West in general, and America in particular, is "at war with Islam." Nothing could seem more ludicrous. But is it? (Read more...)
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September 20, 2005
Propping Up North Korea
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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Enemy-of-freedom George Bush just cut a slimy deal with Kim Jong-il, the worst dictator on the face of the earth. Bush shamefully decided to bribe the North Korean dictatorship with financial aid and vast amounts of energy in return for vague and distant promises that these terrible tyrants will eventually give up their beloved nuclear weapons program. (Read more...)
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February 10, 2004
The Holy Sixth Century
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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Rationality and philosophy were discovered and invented around the early 500s BC in eastern Ionia. The almost instantaneous result of these wondrous creations was much more happiness, pleasure, ambition, and overall hope in life for all the new Greek men of reason. It was nothing less than a spiritual revolution. (Read more...)
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October 13, 2003
America Vs. Europe
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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The split in the Western Alliance in the past year or so over how to respond to 9/11 is interesting in any number of ways. Although there still seems to be a great commonality of liberal-type values between the two respective parties, the recent opposition appears to be both dramatic and profound. And a large part of the fate of the world seems to hang in the balance. (Read more...)
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January 3, 2003
War for Men's Minds
The Virtue of Execution and War
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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Because ours is a world of immense moral grayness, and low philosophical and legal self-confidence, many shy away from the extreme of condign punishment and vigorous societal revenge against profound physical evil. (Read more...)
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December 13, 2002
The Self-Centered Monster
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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For the past 150 years or so Western Civilization has been divided up into two, and only two, overwhelmingly familiar ideological groups: right and left. The right or "conservative" group tends to favor religion -- or at least "Christian democracy" -- in its political, philosophical, and cultural views. The left or "progressive" group tends to favor socialism -- or at least "social democracy" -- in its political, philosophical, and cultural views. (Read more...)
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November 15, 2002
The Benefits of Being Attacked?
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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Is it possible that the barbarous attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have resulted in some good...? (Read more...)
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November 5, 2002
Sense of Life
Smith, Marx, Nock: The Hyper-Focus on Economics
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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How have Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and Albert J. Nock helped bring us where we are today? (Read more...)
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June 12, 2002
Bernstein Apology (humor)
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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In the words of the great Jimmy Swaggart and ARI role-model: "I have sinned against you, my Lord!" (Read more...)
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