Propping Up North Korea The ever naive, foolish, and stupid Bush claims that this deal with the devil is "a step forward in making the world a more secure place." But security isn't primary in politics; freedom is. As Benjamin Franklin pointed out long ago: "Those who would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." He might have added: "And they will get neither." "Security," "stability," "peace," and all those other false governmental gods are neither desirable nor possible without individual liberty. Bush's agreement does nothing to advance world liberty -- just the opposite. In the past, America was more decent and noble. President Bush called the North Korean government part of a worldwide "axis of evil." Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called North Korea "an outpost of tyranny." But evasion, dishonesty, and cowardice seem to be the values of the day. Chief U.S. negotiator Chris Hill lamely claims: "The U.S. acceptance of the joint agreement should in no way be interpreted as meaning we accept all aspects of their system, human rights situation, or treatment of their people." But this is pretty much how everyone will interpret it, and should interpret it -- especially the enslaved and tortured peoples of North Korean. The new "agreement in principle" seems every bit as bad as Bill Clinton's failed deal in 1994: It transfers vast amounts of wealth and resources to America's enemy and to the slave-masters of 23 million captives. It does so in exchange for loose, hazy promises lacking any substantial verification methods or timetables. The September 20 London Financial Times notes that this "vague statement appeases the needs of all sides." It also observes that there will "likely be many difficulties in implementing the pact, particularly as few of the fundamental differences between Pyongyang and Washington appear to have been bridged." Former South Korean negotiator Lee Dong-Bok ominously notes: "Everything is an agreement in principle, allowing the parties to come to their own interpretations." It's worth observing that South Korea -- which is even more foolishly and depravedly unprincipled than the U.S. -- is ecstatic over this. But pragmatism is never pragmatic in dealing with dictatorships. The South Koreans are working toward their own doom. It's also worth noting that part of the problem here is that the United States broke its solemn promise at the 1994 Geneva conference by giving North Korea a light-water nuclear reactor. This is reminiscent of the U.S. failing to back unified elections for North and South Vietnam in 1956. American lying and treachery brutally undercuts American moral authority and the cause of freedom worldwide. Of course, U.S. citizens notoriously suppose that the world isn't or shouldn't be watching or remembering any of this. But it is and they do. America too often works toward its own doom. In the end, this new deal from the six-party talks is pathetic and hopeless. It won't work and it shouldn't. And the North Korean dictatorship is sure to violate the agreement -- as dictatorships always do, especially theirs. America is basically very involved in bribing a horrific tyrant, meekly submitting to nuclear blackmail, and blatantly appeasing raw evil. How can the foreign policy results not be bad? We need to warn the ghastly North Korean dictatorship and their people that if they acquire or test nuclear weapons we will destroy them. Or at least we'll destroy their leaders -- the ones with almost all the responsibility for the situation, and with their hands on the button. America should state publicly and emphatically that she considers North Korea a natural and inherent enemy -- a state which is intrinsically and ineluctably aggressive, provocative, belligerent, and warlike. Therefore, in any confrontation, we feel we have no choice but to obliterate them. America should also use blanket propaganda to warn the North Korean people and semi-innocents victims that they had better stop their leaders from going nuclear -- or else. In fact, they had better replace and overthrow their leaders -- or else. America should immediately start to use radio, TV, and airplane leaflets to morally condemn their system and to propagandize them relentlessly in favor of liberty and justice for all. And to threaten their whole world if they fail to acquiesce. The U.S. desperately need to deal with this problem in terms of military threats and military attacks only. Our policy should speak the only language they understand or even hear: force. It should be "no carrot and all stick."
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