How to Deal with the Nuclear-Armed North Koreans Silly twit monster Kim Jong-Il and his cronies claim that their nation is being threatened by the US. But this ready excuse is what all dangerous totalitarian regimes claim -- especially just before they attack. And it's very much untrue considering most aspects of the appeasing, cowardly, sissified Americans. In its current behavior, America is very much an amoral, unprincipled nation with little self-respect and personal honor. In the post-WWII era the United States rarely stands up to monsters or bullies -- however terrible and weak -- whether to defend itself or others. And this claimed danger by the horrific dictators of North Korea is strictly minimal despite the fact that the current neo-con leaders of America now favor the rather admirable, if very confused, foreign policy of "preemption" and a general "forward strategy of freedom." Still less is the loathsome dictatorship of Kim Jong-Il threatened by the virtually useless and heavily counterproductive South Koreans and Japanese. These principle-free dunderheads dwarf their weakling adversaries in population, wealth, industry, and technology; they ought to be able to defeat this WMD threat in about five minutes. Yet both southeast Asian peoples and governments are highly vulnerable due to a shocking lack of intellectual understanding and moral clarity -- and a concommitant lack of will to prevail. The Basic Bargain which the subhuman leaders of North Korea seek is both clear and horrifying: South Korea, Japan, and America must repudiate forever the idea of freeing the slaves of North Korea. These unspeakably suffering bastards must be sold down the river for all time by the West. This needs to be done in order that a handful of depraved, petty, bizarre, micro-souled, human beasts, and abominations of depravity and inhumanity, might enjoy their evil paradise for a few more wanning decades. America must abandon and betray the universal Social Compact and ineluctable Brotherhood of Man lest the subhuman handful in North Korea -- successfully playing both ends off the middle -- use the mass of North Koreans as pawns and launch a possibly devastating attack on South Korea and Japan. * * * But the key point here is South Korea and Japan have willingly and irresponsibly lived under an intolerable threat for decades now. They've appeased their totalitarian tormentors shamelessly -- whether North Korea or Russia or China -- while cowering behind America's mightly military prowess and under her nuclear umbrella. But the Orientals always had the sacred moral obligation of self-defense, and it is this personal duty which they have wantonly betrayed. Now they can't even properly defend themselves against pipsqueak North Korea. Indeed, intellectually and morally, these mostly Westernized and liberalized Far Easterners have almost no idea they're in the right to do so. As in the War on Islam, the Good Guys don't much believe they have the right to neutralize, defeat, and wipe out the Bad Guys. And the southeast Asians' conception of who constitutes uninvolved "innocents" on the other side is exceptionally poor. But the facts are simple and undeniable: South Korea and Japan should have responded to North Korea's military intimidation long ago. Now they face an almost unbearable nuclear threat. These two generally admirable nations have much to lose in the perhaps inevitable upcoming war. They should have forthrightly and courageously faced down this aggressive but primitive enemy in the '80s or '90s -- when it was much weaker. And it's probably the height of folly to wait five or ten more years to confront them, when they'll likely be far stronger still. * * * And yet America has also been negligent here, and is currently dismally threatened. This is largely due to America allowing Pakistan to go nuclear several decades ago. Jihadist Pakistan, in turn, transfarred its "Islamic bomb" -- for no discernable reason, other than pure evil and pure illiberalism -- to North Korea about six to eight years ago. Courtesy of North Korea's surprisingly good long-range missiles, and America's gross incompetence at missile defense, the US is now under rather significant threat. And consider the many other ways to deliver a primitive nuclear device, such as shipping containers, fishing vessels, and small private planes. Kim Jong-Il's tyranny seems well-armed and rather consistently fanatical and out-of-control. Something desperately needs to be done about this. One answer is quietude, passivity, appeasement, concessions, and surrender. This is exemplified by the feckless West's addiction to an infinity of talk, negotiations, broken deadlines, unbacked warnings, and empty threats. This certainly describes the depraved and incompetent foreign policy of the Bush Administration, as well as that of the governments of South Korea and Japan, for the past six years. But maybe the world should just get used to having another totalitarian nuclear power in the world. But we also need to prepare for an atomic Iran. And then a nuclear-armed Al Qaeda, plus many other jihadist groups. * * * The only proper solution to this god-awful, ominous mess -- and the only decent, honorable, noble, and heroic answer -- seems to be for all three semi-free states to quietly and quickly prepare, as best they can, for war. They possibly need to project a placid, docile front -- nothing could be easier for them! -- and then simultaneously and suddenly launch an aggressive, vigorous attack. South Korea, Japan, and America need to do their best to knock out -- in one coordinated, terrible blow -- all of North Korea's nuclear capability. Then, within hours, this pro-freedom alliance needs to focus on North Korea's conventional military, especially long- and short-range missiles. With luck and skill and dedication, maybe the counter-attacks won't be too bad. And the madman communist threat -- especially from A-bombs and long-range ballistics -- should be over forever. But one key to winning this war might be found in broadcasting. Simultaneous to the coordinated attack, the three powers should probably use exceptionally strong radio and t'v' signals to announce over many channels just what they are doing and why. They need to accurately and persuasively articulate the philosophical and moral issues involved in order to get the North Korean pawns to capitulate quickly. The Western allies need to convince the communist masses not to fight for the dictatorship and to rebel against their slave status. We need to convince them -- in simple, stark, emphatic language -- not to defend their slave-masters nor fight for raw evil. South Korea, Japan, and America need to speak as one and tell the hoi polloi: Don't be guilty of, or responsible for, upholding tyranny and advancing war. North Koreans need to be told with searing and undoubtable intensity: Abandon all military posts and surrender immediately -- or die!
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