| | George threatened:
The next person that rants on this thread should be castrated or have a forced hysterrectomy. I had intended to let this thread drop after George made genital mutilation threats, but now that even the most vociferous have decided to have silly fun here while retaining the wholeness of their privates, so shall I.
By the way, George, hysterectomy is spelled with one "r" and not two. Run that spell checker!
Kat bargained:
Would you fellas prefer my left boob or my right boob? George, I am begging you to please be merciful with me. I'd like to keep least one for the Colonel. Wrong part of the female anatomy! He said hysterectomy and not mastectomy.
Kat speculated:
... oogling titties you can’t even touch. You obviously lack familiarity with the Florida full contact lap dance!
Colonel MSK contended:
I shall direct mah attention towahrd treating the faireh sex with the proper respect and courteseh that theah station so richleh deserves. I can tell that you have not lived in the United States for over 30 years. Deferment to women went the way of the dodo once they achieved the "total equality" they so long demanded and so richly deserved. With equal authority comes equal responsibility and equal treatment. This suits me just fine.
An interesting side note: A financial article in Success InSight regarding life insurance some years ago noted that as more women have entered the work force and experienced its relevant stresses, their life expectancies have decreased to become more "equal" to those of men. As a result, their life insurance premiums have increased to become more "equal" to those of men. This suits me just fine. Anyone who wants the benefits of more freedom needs to pay the price for that freedom.
(Edited by Luther Setzer on 4/11, 4:07am)