
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 80

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 7:36amSanction this postReply

Fred - You're using the same bad logic as Jules, and I already explained why those comparisons are faulty. Like Jules, you provide examples where there are a range of options available to an actor, and the actor has the option of doing no harm. The critical difference is I'm doing the least harm possible given external constraints, unlike the actors in your examples. You're also layering a second layer of bad logic by equating the options available to me as an individual with those available to the organization as a whole. Unlike Obama and crew, I'm also not trying to sell anybody on the idea that the policies are good for them.


You know, some might consider these false equivalences deceitful behavior. But I'm going to be kind and give you the benefit of the doubt.   


You did no such thing, and your naked assertions here are empty boilerplate.  Fail.


An example of documented deception is as follows:   Your weasel innuendo that I altered 'rules' to 'ruling' after you dropped my word 'not'... after you introduced the word 'ruling' into the thread...  embedded in a haughty lecture about fealty to the written word and all that instruction at law school.  Giant fail.   Embarrasing fail.   Unacknowledged massive fail.  Weasel fail.    And then you double downed with additional lies, that nonsense about how, when your errors in comprehension are pointed out to you, you always apologize.  Another documented lie. They are compounding at this point.


Feel free to continue to ignore all that. Maybe it will go away?  It's the best weasel move you've got with such a massive fail.  Meanwhile, I'll feel free to stick it up your ass every chance I get.  Got to love America.


Top of your class, no doubt.   And why not?


I'd consider it an honor to be accused of lies by you.  I strive to be accused of lies by folks like you.  It lets me know I'm on the right path.   So by all means, don't weasel it up.  Feel free.














Post 81

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 8:00amSanction this postReply

Fred - I don't even know where to begin with posts like that. Declare that a victory if it pleases you.

Post 82

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 8:54amSanction this postReply

Oh woah is helpless little me!  I am doing the best I can to do no harm and save businesses millions as I slap them silly with more and more regulations.  I have to write these documents to help protect the approved crony capitalist companies and stomp true free market competition because it is my jobbbbbb.  I will do my vewy vewy best to ease the slope and not make it too too steep so the poor suckers can keep on climbing as we carve out just another piece.  Dont worry it will be wafer thin youll hardly even notice!  Just wait until I can hire my own people to help not write overly burdensome regulations then I can really chip away at this heroic stuff.  See how important I am? I mean I am small potatoes and have nothing to fear from the NSA I know that animal see? I am fearless and secure!


Wanna be heroic? Join the private sector as a corporate lawyer showing them the truth of how you for years helped fuck this country.  In a gentle kinder give them plenty of lube before helping the statists rape the nations best productive class kind of way.  Become a real libertarian and defend the constitution and people's individual rights.  Become like Milt Friedman and become a staunch supporter of an unfettered free market system.  Do what is right not what is easy.   Walk up hill with that noose around your own neck that you helped create anddd defend with a 200 pound bag of rocks of regulations on your back also created and forced to be carried by everyone else. Then see how very kind you were.

As far as I can tell good private lawyers make damn good money.  Are you only good enough to be a government schill?  Have some kool-aid.  


Faulty logic indeed.

Post 83

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 9:29amSanction this postReply

Jules - How's that strategy been working out for the libertarian movement?

Sanction: 6, No Sanction: 0
Sanction: 6, No Sanction: 0
Post 84

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 9:57amSanction this postReply

Pretty darn good! Some statists are even claiming to be one!

Post 85

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 10:13amSanction this postReply

Fred - I don't even know where to begin with posts like that. Declare that a victory if it pleases you.



Excellent choice.  That's a decided improvement; at least you didn't pepper us with boilerplate,  put words in a blender, or drop a word and weasel more innuendo in the middle of a lecture on fealty to the written word , learned not very well at all back at law school.   Did I mention that recently, I haven't forgotten that?


Best move is to continue to ignore that; even if I don't.  Ever.







Post 86

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 10:23amSanction this postReply

Jules - Government has exponentially grown over the past 80 years to the point where the every Western country is now a mixed-economy social democracy. You call that a success? Obviously juvenile namecalling and purist bickering are the shot in the arm the liberty movement needs to turn it all around... sheesh. I'm not your enemy, brohan. Get some perspective.


Fred - Still raging? I'll leave you to that. 

Post 87

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 10:53amSanction this postReply

Re: Godwin's So Called Law


Funny.  This thread is now two pages of comments past when Emperor Godwin declared 'end discussion.'  Quite the commanding presence.    Because when 400,000 Americans once left themselves in a blender fighting totalitarianism, it was so that some lefty weasel could someday declare it 'unfair' to point out what all that once noise was about.


Modern advocates of National Socialism find it unfair to ever mention National Socialism and its once massive catastrophic fail?  No kidding.   I can hardly see the self serving reasons for that.    No, never mind what all that state uber alles unfettered tribal bullshit was all about, because the tribe's latest statist wannabes have declared any past references to the failures of statism strictly verbotten.  Well no shit, of course they would.   The only puzzler is why any advocate of freedom would ever let that attempt at censorship -- at noticing the attributes of statism that make it statism -- fly at all?   When Godwin wasn't pushing OSF etc. and attacking, not defending personal property rights, what exactly was his politics when he was imperially declaring that remembering why we once fought the Nazis is 'unfair?'


What next?   Is any reference to the failed USSR, steaming on the shitpile of history, and the suggestion that we not follow same down the failed path of centrally planned command and control 'the economy' running going to be declared 'end of discussion' by some other weasels pushing the same swill?   No kidding; I'd be embarrassed by the God that Failed, too.


Put that on the pile with "The Khmer Rouge were mere agrarian Marxists." ... because everyone knows that all that fresh air spoils the intent.


Perhaps Godwin's optimistically named 'Law' needs to be renamed Godwin's Inneffective Speedbump; a sad roadsign around the forever endlessly necessary Cleanup in Aisle 9.  Before we show our contempt and loathing for 400,000 dead Americans who helped save the world from out of control statism on the march, perhaps we should reconsider the source of all this sense of unfairness directed at noticing what makes statists 'statists' and what makes totalitarians 'totalitarians.'   No, not even close, is it unfair to mention what made Nazis 'Nazis.'   That war was not fought just to replace brown shirts with red shirts.


Perhaps yet the 24th remarketing campaign is needed:  "Totalitarianism: It's not just for breakfast anymore."


Here is Godwin's Law:  "Tell you what, we'll make you a deal.  We won't weasel word political contexts, jack them by 180 degrees, and call Hitler(that champion of individual rights and liberty)a 'right winger', if you don't point out that his massive fail was an unfettering of the state uber alles.  That is a draw, so ... ignore all that failed statism, this is round two."


To which I declare, bullshit.  Hitler was no 'right winger' -- in our once political context.  He was a 'right winger' in his political context-- the state uber alles.   Same with Stalin; same specious argument.   Neither Hitler nor Stalin would be anything near 'right wingers' in the American political context.    Hitler/Stalin... Nazis/Commies ... Bloods/Crips.   They were fighting a totalitarian turf war, period, in pre WWII Germany.   The entire nation was awash in Volksgemeinschaft goodness, cheered on by the polite Social Democrats, the enablers who helped unfetter their state.   After they opened the door, the meat eaters showed up and brushed them aside.   In Germany, the Nazis prevailed first by waxing violent more effectively.   The unfettered state rushed in, the intellectual battlefield had been softened by German pinhead philosophers from the earlier century.   America is sprinting into the same cul de sac.


And Emperor Godwin can kiss my ass.




Post 88

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 10:56amSanction this postReply

Fred - Still raging? I'll leave you to that.


Excellent choice.  That's a decided improvement; at least you didn't pepper us with boilerplate,  put words in a blender, or drop a word and weasel more innuendo in the middle of a lecture on fealty to the written word , learned not very well at all back at law school.   Did I mention that recently, I haven't forgotten that?


Best move is to continue to ignore that; even if I don't.  Ever.



I love boilerplate; it is so useful.  Here is some more:


An example of documented deception is as follows:   Your weasel innuendo that I altered 'rules' to 'ruling' after you dropped my word 'not'... after you introduced the word 'ruling' into the thread...  embedded in a haughty lecture about fealty to the written word and all that instruction at law school.  Giant fail.   Embarrasing fail.   Unacknowledged massive fail.  Weasel fail.    And then you double downed with additional lies, that nonsense about how, when your errors in comprehension are pointed out to you, you always apologize.  Another documented lie. They are compounding at this point.


Every time.  Guaranteed.





(Edited by Fred Bartlett on 3/18, 10:58am)

Post 89

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 11:00amSanction this postReply

Wow, Fred, thanks for sharing. What in the blue fuck that has to do with a plastic bag tax is beyond me, but I'm happy you enjoyed your tirade against... whomever.

Post 90

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 11:02amSanction this postReply

Also, "boilerplate" doesn't mean what you think it means. Actually, I'm not even sure what you think it means. But you aren't using the term correctly.

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Sanction: 6, No Sanction: 0
Post 91

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 2:29pmSanction this postReply

This is why going to the transcript is critical for accurate representation of others. They do teach this in law schools, as a matter of fact.


The record of what I wrote:


Yet, not advocating "ruling over discretion"; talking about 'The Moral Case for Discretion by Owners Over Rules Over Discretion by Owners"...

 Based on the personal arguments of "efficiency"  ... "planning"   and ...social disruption...  

The nicest thing I can say about this is that it is lawyerly.


Your ratcake weasel innuendo, directed at Fred, in response to the above:


Fred - You've discovered the importance of semantic hygiene. Modify even a single word in an author's writings - "rules" to "ruling" for example - and it can drastically affect the meaning of that author's argument. This is why going to the transcript is critical for accurate representation of others. They do teach this in law schools, as a matter of fact.

Let's be clear about something. There are games that I play, which some find distasteful, but I am not a cheater. Misrepresentation is for the MSK's of the world. In the rare instances where I have made a mistake of this nature and realized it, I have corrected myself and apologized to the individual publicly. I want to "win," but not that way.


Your words, your rope.  You hung yourself, counselor. The choices are liar, cheater, incompetent, or malevolent.   You think you’ve danced along some deft edge; you have not. You’ve fallen right over.

Now wear it.   Because the tip jar was far away on the counter, your Honor.


Boilerplate: the above will by my standard response to any post of yours directed to Fred.   Every time. Guaranteed.   Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V.  When I was referring to your use of 'boilerplate' I was referring to the vague/non case specific argument ("You are wrong.") ... you could cookie cutter that kind of non-argument 'argument' at anybody for anything; it said nothing except "got nothing."   When I’m using another defition of the term ‘boilerplate’, I'm using it better than it has been used in decades: this post will be my standard, re-ueable appropriate response to any post of yours even remotely referring to me..   Next time you want to see it again, direct a post at me, directly or indirectly, weasely or not.   It's a promise.  I'm done with weasels.

Post 92

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 5:12pmSanction this postReply

Fred - You are not correct about the allegedly deceitful act you believe I committed. However, it would take such a colossal effort to disentangle your myriad misunderstandings, wrongful assumptions, and migraine-inducing stream-of-consciousness bullshit - step by draining step - that I've decided to throw in the towel instead and let you do your endzone dance for the woefully few posters still remaining in this forum. There is nothing worthwhile to be gained from engaging you on this long-boring topic for another 20 posts, and you've more than proven your inexhaustible black hole of leisure time can't be matched by any mortal being with work or familial obligations.


You win. Bask in the glory, my misguided friend.




(Edited by Robert Baratheon on 3/18, 5:21pm)

Post 93

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 5:37pmSanction this postReply

Everyone understands Fred just fine.  I think possibly it just cannot be easily transcripted into "weasel-eze".  Fred's meaning is perfectly clear he does not mince words, evade, change other people's words etc.


He most assuredly does not use this site to launch malevolent attacks at people on other sites in a sick and twisted stalkerish way such as yourself.


Even I am getting bored with you, your stench is becoming more than a little ripe as you pollute the place.  Christ next thing you know your going to bring your little pathetic friends here too.

Post 94

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 6:00pmSanction this postReply

"Everyone" = Jules (and possibly Steve)


If you understand what Hitler, Stalin, the Khmer Rouge, and Bloods and Crips remotely have to do with anything in this thread (which is about a plastic bag tax - hellooo), then you should really be worried about your sanity.

Post 95

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 6:12pmSanction this postReply

My sanity?  Like your veiled threat post to MSK on post 109 of the troll thread?


" When MSK does next pry himself loose from his failing, Cheetos-stained computer chair to a DC-area Objectivist event, he's going to have to consider the possibility that I may also be in attendance. It's a small world after all."



Post 96

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 6:23pmSanction this postReply

Pretty big leap to call that a threat. Doesn't really meet the basic elements. I'd call it simple acknowledgement of a social reality. Not sure what that has to do with anything, but whatever.

Post 97

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 7:54pmSanction this postReply

Maybe so but it is still pretty creepy.  If I were to attend an event I would be more than happy just to have met everyone in person even those I have had disagreements with and have a good laugh about it all.  Heck I have even contemplated mailing Marrotta a few of my 1967 Canadian cougar quarters out of a sense of benevolence.  He loves all things to do with coin collecting so i know at the very least it would bring a smile to him.  He and I have fought like cats and dogs on a few topics, tempers flare but in the end I know that he is a good person with some very individually unique quirks.


I made the mistake of really REALLY losing my temper once with a racist troll here.  I said some things that were really unworthy and this was pointed out to me by Bill Dwyer.  I felt pretty bad.  I fed the troll but even worse I lowered my own self esteem for doing so.


I have been coming very close to crossing that border with you.   You are kind of toxic in a poison well kind of way and I do not enjoy my conversations with you.  Except maybe the Game of thrones material I kind of enjoyed your take on the characters.  If you wanted to start a seperate Game of thrones/ other fantasy book section I could talk about that ... Possibly.




Post 98

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - 5:00amSanction this postReply



Nice selfie.


This is why going to the transcript is critical for accurate representation of others. They do teach this in law schools, as a matter of fact.


The record of what I wrote:


Yet, not advocating "ruling over discretion"; talking about 'The Moral Case for Discretion by Owners Over Rules Over Discretion by Owners"...

 Based on the personal arguments of "efficiency"  ... "planning"   and ...social disruption...  

The nicest thing I can say about this is that it is lawyerly.


Your ratcake weasel innuendo, directed at Fred, in response to the above:


Fred - You've discovered the importance of semantic hygiene. Modify even a single word in an author's writings - "rules" to "ruling" for example - and it can drastically affect the meaning of that author's argument. This is why going to the transcript is critical for accurate representation of others. They do teach this in law schools, as a matter of fact.

Let's be clear about something. There are games that I play, which some find distasteful, but I am not a cheater. Misrepresentation is for the MSK's of the world. In the rare instances where I have made a mistake of this nature and realized it, I have corrected myself and apologized to the individual publicly. I want to "win," but not that way.


Your words, your rope.  You hung yourself, counselor. The choices are liar, cheater, incompetent, or malevolent.   You think you’ve danced along some deft edge; you have not. You’ve fallen right over.

Now wear it.   Because the tip jar was far away on the counter, your Honor.


Boilerplate: the above will by my standard response to any post of yours directed to Fred.   Every time. Guaranteed.   Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V.  When I was referring to your use of 'boilerplate' I was referring to the vague/non case specific argument ("You are wrong.") ... you could cookie cutter that kind of non-argument 'argument' at anybody for anything; it said nothing except "got nothing."   When I’m using another defition of the term ‘boilerplate’, I'm using it better than it has been used in decades: this post will be my standard, re-ueable appropriate response to any post of yours even remotely referring to me..   Next time you want to see it again, direct a post at me, directly or indirectly, weasely or not.   It's a promise.  I'm done with weasels.




Post 99

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - 5:36amSanction this postReply

Fred - Ratcake, weasel, etc... I got it 5000 words ago. Why don't you try a hobby? Sudoku might be up your alley.

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