
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 40

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 10:29amSanction this postReply

Jules speaks for himself.

Steve speaks for himself.

I speak for myself.


You speak for yourself, and also attempt to speak for Jules, Steve, and myself, by weaseling words.   I never saw Jules 'argue' any such thing as you claim.  All I saw is you throw his words into a blender and say what you will, dishonestly claiming that was his argument, when what it was is your mischaracterization of his argument. ie, your argument.  


"Jules argues"  is not "This is how I interpret Jule's argument:"   One is internet weaseldom, another day ending in 'y'; the other is an honest statement of fact.



Once again, two possible explanations:  incompetenc or malevolence.   I noticed you ignored it back then, too, when the Holy written transcript-- the thing you professionals are so adept at adhering to, the source of my jaw dropping admiration for your profession-- was pointed out to you.


Quite lawyerly.   I remember your lecture about fealty to transcripts and all the heady effort in law school.   You know, in the example where you dropped the 'not' in the transcript and accused me with changing 'rule' to 'ruling.'  via some weasel innuendo.   (Doubly jarring, since it was you who introduced 'ruling' into the thread at all.  I never brought it up except to quote back what you claim you were not doing...)


"Changing rules to ruling" aimed at me, by conveniently dropping a glaring 'not' is  internet weaseldom, another day ending in 'y'; the 180 degree oppisite of an honest statement of fact.   Weasel innuendo if not simply the result of incompetence...again.     Ironically, in the middle of a haughty lecture about fealty to written transripts.



Hey, you got a shot, maybe we're all Mr. Amazing No Short Term Memory Man?


As I've been informed, the thread documents itself.   You accomplish what you accomplish.   Please, stare at the diploma and plow ahead anyway.


You'e left an indelible first impression with me..  Good luck with that.  You continue to wear it well.


Post 41

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 10:40amSanction this postReply

Fred - I'm not arguing for more or fewer support forces, or anything having to do with micromanaging the day to day operations and makeup of the military. I'm not interested in it, and there are far more qualified persons than I to make those decisions. The only reason I broached that topic was your "bleeding for our freedoms" trope, which has no place in this discussion as far as I'm concerned



Your post 6 was in response to my post 7 ??????   Not only a remarkable fealty to the written transcript, but clairvoyantly and presciently so!  


We spend enough money for the feds to have a fucking time machine, but I don't actually believe you have access to one, sport..


What else are you wrong about, counselor?  What version of reality is convenient in the next 15 seconds?





. I'm similarly tired of the wailing and gnashing of teeth on behalf of "the heroes" whenever an eyebrow is raised over police officers hauling down $100k in roadside-detail overtime. I'm interested in facts and sober analysis, not politicized hyperbole of that nature. Roofers and powerline workers have two of the highest fatality rates in the U.S. You couldn't pay me enough to do either of those dangerous jobs. Nobody but the families cry over their sacrifices because they lack the sexy uniforms and firearms of the romanticized armed services.


Sure.  But apparently someone coould pay you enough to oversee taxing them to death to support the CronyFest on the Potomac.    When the E1s stop the bleeding, its not them who come back to the soft landing assembly line in DC.   No, in fact, they end up roofers and powerline workers and even longline fishermen(another high mortality profession overseen by soft-landing central in our own version of The Hunger Games.





Post 42

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 10:48amSanction this postReply

Fred - You used a lot of words to call me a liar. As usual, you could have cut out 90% of your post and saved us all some time.


Here is what Jules said:

If however you are in a government job that has a private sector or SHOULD be private sector only and claim "I am libertarian" than that would make you not only a hypocrite but also a parasite.

A libertarian by his nature would NEVER enter INTO a government sector job that was not a moral roll of government PERIOD.

Now here is what I said:

Jules argues that libertarians should out of principle entirely abandon certain sectors of government to their progressive counterparts. 

My characterization of Jules's position directly follows from what Jules stated here. I may not have framed it favorably - because I believe Jules's argument is naive and foolish - but I did NOT materially misrepresent Jules in any way. I defy you to prove that I did.


Let's be clear about something. There are games that I play, which some find distasteful, but I am not a cheater. Misrepresentation is for the MSK's of the world. In the rare instances where I have made a mistake of this nature and realized it, I have corrected myself and apologized to the individual publicly. I want to "win," but not that way.


(Edited by Robert Baratheon on 3/16, 11:28am)

Post 43

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 2:43pmSanction this postReply

Jules argues that libertarians should out of principle entirely abandon certain sectors of government to their progressive counterparts.


I did not say abandon them to their progressive counterparts.

I said destroyed.

Abandoned  means the structure would still be there even if it was not manned.

Post 44

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 2:51pmSanction this postReply

Jules - I understand that's the ideal, but the political reality of the United States is that's not going to happen in the forseeable future, if ever. All-or-nothing thinking is not productive here in the real world.


Since "destroying" these departments you don't like isn't an option, are you now saying it might be acceptable - in the here and now - for libertarians to work within these organizations to scale them back? If so, welcome aboard.

Post 45

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 5:51pmSanction this postReply

No that is nothing more than pragmatic sellout mentality.

Here is an analogy even you might grasp.  It applies especially to you.

Lets go back to WWII.  A libertarian SS officer is trying to justify his position as an "insider" in a Nazi concentration camp.  He posits the rationalization for his position by declaring " It is a good thing that I am here because if a progressive was in my position he would kill 5000 jews/day whereas I attempt to minimize this and only select the bare minimum.  I only kill 750 jews per day.  Just accept that this is only politics and I am only doing what my superiors tell me to do.  You cannot stop the concentration camps.  Are you now on board with my way of thinking?


" Since "destroying" these departments you don't like isn't an option, are you now saying it might be acceptable - in the here and now - for libertarians to work within these organizations to scale them back? If so, welcome aboard."


You are a sell out Robert. There is no difference between what you are doing.  Only in degree.  You are part of the problem, not the solution.  You are worse than a 5th columnist.  Sleep soundly working in that immoral branch of government?  You obviously are not a District attorney, those are the good guys.  So what is your function, how is it that you are destroying the lives and dreams of businessmen and the American dream albeit at a lesser slower rate than a non libertarian...  A piece of paper comes down the chute with a presidential order?  This is what we want to do to this industry.  Robert makes it air tight so the poor bastards have no wriggle room?  


Post 46

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 6:37pmSanction this postReply

Thread Godwinned by Jules, March 16 - 5:51pm


End discussion.

Post 47

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 6:59pmSanction this postReply



50 years of curbing the bloat from within has done nothing.  Who grew the bloat more than Nixon, Reagan and Bush?


JFK and $100B of overhead from a nation of 180 million;  inflation and population  barely adjusting that to $1500B/yr.   And unlike those roofers and so on in the private sector who realized actual increases in productivity over these 50 years, the bloated overhead by our deadwood keeps skimming an every year higher cost per capita of self government.  It would be excessive to account for productivity increases over 50 years when comparing JFKs adjusted 1.5T to today's nearly 4T.  How much lower should that 1.5T be?  Moot.


Nobody fixing anything, the bloated pig is just going to break, as it is in front of our eyes.   We'll know the nation is on the way to recovery when the moving vans are streaming out on I95.  

Post 48

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 7:09pmSanction this postReply

What's the matter hit a little too close to the truth?

You can lie to yourself all you like to justify your reasons for being a destructive government official.  "Everyone lies to themselves" do you  repeat that to yourself like counting sheep at night over and over until you finally pass out?  "If I don't do it someone worse will" is that working for you?  Did you not once say you worked for Cass Sunstein?  Did you have any contact with streamlining Obamacare?  If so you are no libertarian.  With "friends" like you working so diligently who needs enemies?


I suppose I should pat myself on the back now I won't have to chase you around in circles with 30million posts of you evading and placing my words in a blender until they do not resemble anything to their original meaning.

Post 49

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 7:15pmSanction this postReply

Yes you are right about that Fred.  It is going to pop.  After it all settles what will be left?  A free country or a complete dictatorship?

Post 50

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 7:29pmSanction this postReply

I suppose there is an argument that it would be harder convincing a libertarian/objectivist that a gov't insider is not evil than convincing an occupy wallstreet crowd that rich people weren't evil and exploitive.


Robert, I don't think you're evil, I can imagine a person ending up after years of school and driving his career in a given direction then getting there and realizing it's all a fraud.  What to do...  I suppose one choice is work for change from the inside.  Thomas Sowell made a different decision.  Of course, his situation was he actually was a Marxist through school all the way to his PhD.  Then working for the government realized it was all a sham and a lie.  He chose to see Marxism as unworkable and changed his philosophy to meet reality.  He didn't change his desire to help people, he just chose a direction where he might actually help and not be a hypocrite.  I take it, you have always had libertarian/objectivist inclinations but followed a path to a good job with connections.  Changing directions at this point where you don't see what good it would do anyone else would seem like hurting yourself to no good end.  You don't like to be bored you mentioned when you explained why you dropped your engineering career goal.  You know, hard work is often tedious, and sometimes the end result just doesn't happen.  You do have a gift for debate but you come off as a bit arrogant.  But I think your combatants here (the most appropriate word I can come up with) haven't given you a fair shake.  I thought what you were trying to get to on a couple of threads is some way to initiate objectivist activism.  I mean, the community organizers on the left are very effective.  How?  What matters is it works and they're kicking asses left and right.  The real arrogance of the left is shown when they get some bad press, the big O makes a speech, there are a couple demonstrations, the media jumps on it, his ratings climb right back up.  Why isn't 80% of the population screaming for Obama's impeachment?  Because they're damned good, they've been working on their tactics for a long, long time.  What do Objectivists want to do to win people over?   First, convince everyone that they're immoral...  Yeah, that's it, guilt will win the day.

Post 51

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 8:04pmSanction this postReply

Jules - You're reminding me of MSK now with your holier-than-thou psychologizing - too much time in bad company on OL maybe. MSK spent hours psychologizing Eva across multiple threads - why "she" acts and thinks the way she does, what her future may hold, what lessons she should learn from him, etc. Turns out it was all bullshit and she's just a run-of-the-mill troll who fabricated a persona for laughs. So all that psychologizing was built on a foundation of sand. There's a lesson in humility in that, if you're willing to learn it.


Mike - Thank you for your words. I'm a realist, not an idealist,and that is the source of conflict between  myself and those on this board, in my opinion. It's important to have ideals, but you also have to square them with the reality that progressives run DC and government is only getting bigger. Some find it easier to bury their heads in the sand. I say grab a pickaxe and start picking. Let them hate - whatever they think they're doing in Rand's name isn't working, that much is abundantly clear. I'm just going to keep on doing. I've saved U.S. businesses millions of dollars in compliance costs by keeping overly burdensome requirements out of the regulations I've worked on. But Jules knows my work better than I do, so he should really be the one to explain it.


Post 52

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 9:10pmSanction this postReply

Here I thought I was spicoli/Neanderthal?

Remember it was you that asked me and now that I have you get all defensive.


On the bright side I DO understand that you are in fact making the best out of a bad situation that you can.  I do not think you are evil and are doing the best that you can out of a bad situation.  I understand you have a family and are doing the best you can for them.

I understand fully that government is growing.

Very nice that you have saved businesses millions however my assertions still stand.


Mike very excellent point about Sowell.


As for my views to the types of people attracted to certain professions I have held this view for about 26 years nothing to do with MSK.  As for hanging out in the swamp I am a recent visitor.  Before that I was mostly at Solop for the shit disturbing nature of the place and here for peace, relaxation and the quality of posts from Steve,Ed,Fred,Merlin,Luke,Bill and others.  I also am known to dissappear for months at a time.  Sometimes I am here but am just reading old articles such as the one I linked yesterday.


I really miss Ed I hope he is ok.

Post 53

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 9:55pmSanction this postReply

Socialists/Keynesians have good sounding false promises (prosperity without production). We only offer that one must think and work hard to succeed. The recognition of the invalidity of socialism increasing prosperity doesn't seem so complicated to me that the former could win the masses over... but it does. The effort to win them over seems hopeless to me. I think they will only learn the hard way: death.  Or never learn, but be allowed to live and work as slaves. Not that I would prefer it that way... but due to the existence of elite manipulators it seems to me that this is the only way it can be.


Prior history had enslavement by pure military might.  Today the military might is still present, but the strings are pulled by elite manipulators 1984 double think style.


But if you refuse the premise that intelligence is a normally or even skewed distribution these conclusions would not be QED. (as discovered with previous debate with Steve)


Furthermore, might I add that this seems like the natural way for things to be. Variation in intelligence results in domination/enslavement. Variation will always exist and is even desirable a la natural selection. Prosperity of the dominant species results in flourishing of the subservient underdog. Underdogs grow in population due to the unresistable nature of the prosperous to "feed the bears"... which is hard on the middle class, but not the elite.


Given that within the lesser intelligent population, those who choose to live off government redistribution during highly prosperous times reproduce at a greater rate than those who have similarly lower intelligence yet chose to live by the products of their own labor... the later kind of person reproduces less frequently, hence there being a natural selection force for an emotional reaction for the lesser intelligent to desire and take wealth redistribution. But then when famine/hard times/war/mass extinction events occur, the vast majority of these lessers die, but those who practiced living self sufficiently most definitely have greater chances to survive.


Hence it could be argued that working toward bringing about such an event would have benefits, although I must assert that I am not thinking that intentionally causing such an event to happen would be overall beneficial. Hence maybe we should be thanking rather than damning those who take advantage of the system? Didn't LP once suggest to vote for Obama on this line of thought?


Due to elite manipulators managing the level of taxation, potentially an Atlas Shrugged event could not happen only due to Galts and Wyatts (strikers) (managing to keep Galts incentivized just enough to not all strike) but another special ingredient: unexpected geological natural disaster. Or I guess if peak oil is a real problem then that would cause a similar effect.

Post 54

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 10:49pmSanction this postReply





Something to muse over.

" Not true. If I slap you around a bit because I believe you don’t do what I want you to, although you haven’t raised a finger against me, this in itself is vicious enough, never mind that I could do worse by beating you with a baseball bat. Even if I contain myself all of the time and just keep on slapping you and others, it doesn’t make what I am doing justified simply because I am not taking matters farther."


Is it a condolence that eases your conscious that you save businesses "millions" by just slapping them around a little instead of enabling the use of a baseball bat? 


(Edited by Jules Troy on 3/16, 10:53pm)

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Post 55

Monday, March 17, 2014 - 5:00amSanction this postReply

Since "destroying" these departments you don't like isn't an option,...


What cabinet level position, established at the whim of some past POTUS, is not voidable at the whim of some future POTUS?   And along with that position, the entire department underneath that position?



Post 56

Monday, March 17, 2014 - 5:23amSanction this postReply

Imagine this.  The government enacts a flat tax of 10%. No write offs.  People could file a tax return on a postcard.  IRS dissolved.  It would not be hard to do or implement.

Post 57

Monday, March 17, 2014 - 7:33amSanction this postReply

Fred - Departments cannot be established (or removed) at the "whim" of a president. Do you happen to have a copy of the Constitution nearby? It's not a simple matter of getting the votes either. There are hundreds of labor laws, contracts, property rights, and procedural matters that would have to also be resolved. It's essentially impossible to fire a federal employee, nevermind shutter a department with thousands of them. This is why scaling them back incrementally is the most we can realistically hope for (although truth be told, I often wonder if even that is realistic).


Jules - That's not even close to the same situation. In that hypothetical, there is a whole range of options within the person's control, including doing no harm. What I'm telling you is that I'm doing the least harm possible within my power, and any other course of action - including resigning - would lead to more harm. You've called DA's, policemen, etc. heroes (I used to be a prosecutor BTW). Do you understand that they are legally required to enforce victimless crime laws all the time?

Post 58

Monday, March 17, 2014 - 9:45amSanction this postReply

It's essentially impossible to fire a federal employee, nevermind shutter a department with thousands of them. 

Nonsense.  With a strong, charismatic leader it is easier than creating new departments.  It takes lots of lawyers, congressional aids, special interests to write a law, especially one as long, and as badly written as ObamaCare, for example.  But to get rid of it only takes passing a bill with one word: "Repealed."


It's the progressives who fostered this "Oh, that's too hard to do, maybe even impossible" idea.  They are like fast swimming ducks.  On the top nothing is moving and they say its because you can't even fire a federal employee much less get rid of an entire department.  But under water those webbed feet are paddling like crazy - making new laws and new regulations and new departments - all moving rapidly to the left.  If a new law can be made and everyone would admit that can be done, then they can be repealed.  The thing to do is to start in that direction and then start asking who is dragging their feet and start talking about what will happen to foot-draggers.  States can pass constitutional amendments and engage in nullification.  It only takes a strong will and the right leader to provide the focus.


The fact that Robert, a libertarian, is buying into it is evidence of how successful that bit of nonsense is.

Post 59

Monday, March 17, 2014 - 10:14amSanction this postReply

Is it essentially impossible to fire a federal employee? It seems it depends (link).

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