President Rand Paul could go to the FDR memorial and make the following speech: "SS in its present defined benefits form was a one time thank you to the Greatest Generation. They are gone now. It is time for the present generation to accept its generational share of the freedom load, and convert SS to a defined contribution plan, which will never be in actuarial peril, Yes this means accepting less benefits than once politically promised by politicos long dead, but it is no longer sustainable. So buck up; accepting less benefits than once promised is not the same as losing a leg in Normandy. Get over it. precious.. Want more benefits? Than do what the Greatest Generation did; have more kids and fewer second vacation homes. Send them to school, feed them, bandage their skinned knees, be a parent. Or, don't, and live with the results in this 'pay as you go' pension plan. That defines generational fairness, not your ability to mob up and endlessly borrow from your neighbor's kids." Ditto all those cushy defined benefit public pensions; it is unethical to fund them by endlessly taxing folks limited to funding their own defined contribution plans. Run the government, fund the plans. When it is time to fund the pensions, look in the account and see what you got. If you've run the government efficiently, there is a lot in the pile. Well done, state plumbers, you've actually earned your state plumbers pension. If not, then the fix is not to aim a gun at the frustrated subsidizers of the extended welfare state--your victims-- and demand more to make up a deficit caused by decades of your own incomptent half-efforts waiting for lunch and calculating your vacation time. Congress is about to adjourn for ia seven week break to go run for re-election. Not the 1/3 of the Senate that is up, but the entire Ssenate and House. Worn out after that big push after the holidays, no doubt, and looking forward to that big summer vacation... And still the nation survives. See? No need for Rand Paul to dissolve SSA. Just needs to snap it back to a sustainable reality. True, some won't like it all, and that is how you identify the parasitic weasels. (Edited by Fred Bartlett on 3/16, 8:55am)