
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 60

Saturday, May 13, 2006 - 7:53pmSanction this postReply
Actually he is a much better historian than linguist, there have been much substantial criticisms of his ever changing linguistic theories than his (mostly) fact laden history.
That it doesn't congeal with your Know Nothing Far Right ignorance does not invalidate it.
John, Hitler was an anti-clommie, if you read Mein Kampf he focusses on that almost as much as the Jewish obsession.
FDR was never anti-Soviet, so in this sense the comparison is unfair to Hitler though both
were ardent Keynesians.
I was giving the history of the country. Most Germans today were not living or adults under Hitler but we do assume a general guilt here, they still pay out reparations for WW2 crimes. Obviously racism today is a legacy of slavery for 300 years and 100 years of state
segregation. Why are you so anxious to whitewash the American past ?
Ok, forget Johnboy, I found you fairly nasty and insulting but I'll accept your criticism here.

Post 61

Saturday, May 13, 2006 - 7:55pmSanction this postReply
John, you are a moral relativist because you refuse to acknowledge massive US atrocities.
I do acknowledge Communist atrocities.
I'm consistent here, you're not.

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Post 62

Saturday, May 13, 2006 - 9:49pmSanction this postReply
John, Hitler was an anti-clommie, if you read Mein Kampf he focusses on that almost as much as the Jewish obsession.
And? So what? It's a non-sequiter. All anti-communists share the same idealogy? I don't define myself as a negative, I'm anti-communist but I'm also anti-fascist. I am pro-Capitalist. I am pro-individual rights. Saying someone is anti-communist does not mean he is for any idealogy that is anti-communist.

Most Germans today were not living or adults under Hitler but we do assume a general guilt here, they still pay out reparations for WW2 crimes

No we do not assume that. We? Don't speak for me. I don't hold Germans today responsible for WW2, that's absurd why would I do that? Germans today had nothing to do with WW2. Most Germans responsible for WW2 are either dead or near death from old age, and Germany got its fair punishment. Their country was divided in half and completely demolished and bombed to hell. What more punishment should they have gotten? You can't hold a country responsible and punish them in perpetuity. If you did that every country in the world would be paying out reparations for historical crimes. The French would be paying reparations to all of Europe for what Napoleon did. If the US was to pay reparations for slavery, then anyone of African descent would have to pay a portion back to other Africans since historically Africans enslaved other Africans. Africans would also have to pay the US back for the Barbary pirates that raided American ships. The British would pay back the US for their tyranny over the colonies. Muslims would be paying reparations to Europe for Moorish and Turkish conquests, then Europeans would turn right around and pay them back for the Crusades. No one would be innocent of any past crime if we were to follow that assenine logic of inherited guilt. It's a completely absurd and a suspiciously collectivist idea for someone who professes to reject collectivism.

And the US was punished for slavery. 300,000 whites died in a war to free the slaves. Was that not good enough?

And I am not aware of any reparations Germany is paying today?

Obviously racism today is a legacy of slavery for 300 years and 100 years of state
segregation. Why are you so anxious to whitewash the American past ?
This isn't an argument. I never whitewashed any historical wrongs. Again, for the third time now, no one alive today is responsible for actions that took place 100, 300, or 500 years ago. The entire discussion I had with you was your moral ambiguity over the Soviet Union and equivocating that country with the US. You keep bringing up historical events that bear no relevance to the discussion. And even with segregation, as awful as that was, as much of crime as that was, blacks that were victims of segregations were not rounded up and summarily executed, or sent to a prison slave camp to die from starvation and exhaustion. You can't equate the crime of segregation with the crime of the Soviet gulag or Stalin's purges. You keep calling me a moral relativist,  yet you equate things like segregation, with the complete and utter hell whole the world that was under communism had to endure. It's disgusting for you to think that. Anti-Americanism is certainly the new vogue but it's still a vile and disgusting idealogy.

John, you are a moral relativist because you refuse to acknowledge massive US atrocities.
First of all I do not dismiss any US atrocities. But that wouldn't make me a moral relativist anyways. It would make me an apologist.  You don't even know the terms you're using.

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Post 63

Saturday, May 13, 2006 - 9:16pmSanction this postReply
Typo here, should be anti-commie after Hitler
was (line 4) "l" put in error.

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Post 64

Saturday, May 13, 2006 - 10:38pmSanction this postReply
Has everyone had enough of the troll yet?

Post 65

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 12:27amSanction this postReply

Post 66

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 12:24amSanction this postReply

Post 67

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 12:11amSanction this postReply

Post 68

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 12:26amSanction this postReply

Post 69

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 7:28amSanction this postReply

Post 70

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 8:06amSanction this postReply

Post 71

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 9:13amSanction this postReply
Yes, Joe!

Post 72

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 9:25amSanction this postReply
Yes, intensely so.


Post 73

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 11:53amSanction this postReply

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Post 74

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 8:18pmSanction this postReply
I had a few thoughts on the topic of this latest troll, and thought I'd see if we could find some value here.

I didn't think an actual argument with this person made sense.  When his conclusions are so far off from reality, I think it's a fair assumption that there's a problem with his methodology.  Here's a guy claiming to be pro-freedom and championing Hitler and the Soviet Union.  Do you think he arrived at these conclusions through a minor mistake in reasoning?  Or maybe a factual error somewhere along the way drove him to it?  I don't think so.  You can't be that consistently wrong through errors.  So what's the point of arguing factual errors with him?  There's much bigger issues.

I would have preferred to see people analyze the errors in his approach.  Consider it a Phil Coates style game.  There's a lot there.  Very fertile ground.  I think we can learn a lot from someone like this, if we approach it correctly.  Let me provide a couple examples.

First, I think I've got a new criterion to determine if someone is rationalizing.  A person makes up their mind on a topic (i.e., the US is the most evil regime ever known to man), and systematically interprets all events to somehow prove that conclusions.  The method varies per event, and there's no attempt to be consistent, except it showing all blame goes to the US.  It fits with the overall analysis of rationalizations because it starts with a conclusions, and then searches for premises to support it.  But instead of looking for real reasons to support it, even weak ones, it blatantly violates logic and reason to find premises.  And since logic and reason aren't needed, it's able to more consistently find the premises, since anything can count.

A second thing we could learn is on the nature of moral responsibility.  Let me give a different example first.  Last night I decided to watch a little TV.  It was late, so not much on.  I saw a Star Trek Voyager show.  The plot was slightly interesting.  A long time ago, Earth sent out an unmanned ship with all of the knowledge and culture of mankind as a gesture of goodwill to whoever might be in space (before they could go to space).  They called it "Friendship 1".  It eventually made its way to a planet.  The inhabitants used the knowledge to build advanced weapons, and pretty much destroyed themselves.  A few thousand survivors, nuclear winter, stillborn births, horrible radiation scarring, etc.  Voyager shows up, and some crew are taken hostage.  It goes on for a bit, but there was an interesting premise.  Since Earth sent the technology, they were responsible for destroying the planet.  The survivors all blamed Earth.  The crew kept admitting that they were responsible.  The show finally ends with the crew making amends.

I want to ignore the collective guilt part, which was that they blamed the crew of the ship for what people had done hundreds of years before that.  The part that was most telling about the ideology of the show was that nobody mentioned that it was the planet's inhabitants that actually started the nuclear war and killed each other.  They were given access to advanced technology, and they used it to slaughter each other.  But they weren't blamed.  Those who actually did the killing were never mentioned.  It was if a force of nature had been initiated with "Friendship 1", and it naturally ended the way it did.  All of the individual choices along the way, including the one to kill a planet full of people, were ignored.

I see the exact same line of reasoning throughout this troll's posts.  When some group murders another group, they're not blamed.  They aren't held morally responsible.  Instead, the only group responsible is the US, and so every connection, no matter how tenuous, is proof.  Here's a guy saying that poor Hitler only wanted to exile the jews, not kill them, and only got stuck doing that when the neighboring countries waged war.  As if mere forced relocation is fine.  As if there was no choice about getting rid of them, and it was only the means that were up for debate.

What theory of moral responsibility did the troll use?  Was he consistent?  Did he apply it to everyone equally?  What's a proper moral theory of responsibility, and how would it apply to some of these cases?  What other mistakes in reasoning did he make along the way? 

In other words, what else can we learn from this?

Post 75

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 9:03pmSanction this postReply
Excellent comments Joseph. Perhaps I didn't properly analyze the errors in his approach where I should have. I just didn't want his comments to go unchallenged. I didn't want to be guilty of being part of a silent majority, while trolls like Mike Hardesty and his ideas of Anti-Americanism gain and really already have gained widespread acceptance. I feel it's a dangerous meme that needs to be stopped. If we don't speak up and we let that vile garbage go unchallenged, it somehow becomes validated because of our silence.

I don't want to come off as being jingoistic but America is a beacon of hope for many people in this world and has done more good than any other nation. Being an American is an idea and does not require some bloodline inheritance like really almost any other country in the world (an idea I got from Dinesh D'Souza) To be American means for the most part you have taken on an ideal of individualism and liberty. I was born in America, but I have the benefit of having both parents instill in me their stories of their immigration to the US, why they came here, and why they love this country. My father witnessed first hand Nazi occupation of Greece, the war stories he tells me are fascinating and there's nothing more powerful, than seeing your father, growing up as a child the man you always see as stoic and strong, break down and cry as he recants stories of Nazi executions of friends he once knew. He witnessed the failed, bloody communist revolution that happened afterwards. And who came to help? The US did. To now sit here and see a troll like Mike Hardesty denegrate that, just fills me with disgust.

Yes there have been plenty of statists/collectivists that have twisted that concept of liberty in America, but the freedoms we have in America are unparalleled anywhere else in the world. To try and tear down the freeist nation on this earth, the only beacon of hope for so many currently living in a hell hole of totalitarianism, is nothing short of evil in my mind.

Post 76

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 9:04pmSanction this postReply
Thanks for the comments Joe. Hardesty particularly pissed me off since I normally try to fight the tendency many Objectivists have to automatically condemn all non-Oist libertarians or any anti-war viewpoints. And then along comes some idiot who's a veritable gift to the Peter Schwartz's, an e.e.cummings crossed with a living charicature of the worst libertarian fringes. I learned-

Not to give newcomers such benefit of the doubt.
Not to hope that it will help emphasize the good by congratulating any valid points of what someone says when they say it surrounded by a background remotely nearing 50% tripe.
Not to bother with a point-by-point of comments to someone who cannot follow a single point to any conclusion.

Post 77

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 10:23pmSanction this postReply
John, I think there's value in not letting things go unchallenged, as I mentioned in the recent thread by Phil Coates.  So don't take my comments here as accusing anyone of something.  I personally respect all of those that stood up and challenged him.  My point here was the same as the post in the other thread.  I wanted to ask whether the means of challenging were useful.  The question isn't whether we should oppose these people, but what's the best way.  If they uphold an irrational epistemology and standards for identifying the truth, that's where the focus should be.  Otherwise you have to try to counter every random accusation, and any you don't bother with is "proof" that you're wrong.  That's not the case.  So the rules of engagement have to be reevaluated.  My post is just a suggestion on how we can challenge such an argument, without accepting that what's going on is really a debate about facts and ideas.

Post 78

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 2:55amSanction this postReply
Mr. Rowlands, thank you for expelling the Chomskite troll.

By the way, see here a new example of lunatic delusion from that self-hating American Jew:

We need to realize that individuals consistently labeling America as a "terrorist state," as that troll shamelessly did, already took sides in the current World War, and they are against Civilization:

"Chomsky Supports Hizballah", on LittleGreenFootballs.


Debating Mr. Stephens, where I wrote:

"No: the existence of political freedom creates jihadis. They wanna kill us for what we are, not for what we do."

I should have been more explicit, and put it in this way:

"No: the existence of political freedom threatens the Islamic dictatorships, which react by indoctrinating jihadis. They wanna kill us for what we are, not for what we do."

Joel Català

(Edited by Joel Català on 5/15, 6:27am)

Post 79

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 9:12amSanction this postReply
Good questions, Joe.
I think you are absolutely right that when one starts from a conclusion (e.g., US is evil), they'll twist every fact and logic to fit their conclusion. What I don't understand is: where such hatred of America come from?!

This is somewhat similar with people: if you first already convicted a person guilty of whatever in your mind, you can always pick and fit facts and logic to your conclusion, and ignore other context entirely.

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