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=============== Hallucinogenic plant poisoning in children. Saudi Med J. 2005 Jan;26(1):118-21.
Datura is a hallucinogenic plant found in urban or rural areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KSA. It grows wildly in many parts of the country. Its taste and shape makes it unattractive to both man and animals, though deliberate use by young adults for its hallucinogenic effects have been widely reported for the past 30 years. Datura contains 3 main toxic alkaloids: atropine, SCOPLAMINE and hyoscamine. Consumption of any part of the plant can result in severe anticholinergic toxicity. Clinical symptoms are those seen in atropine poisoning, particularly mydriasis and hallucinations. Children have a special susceptibility to atropine toxicity; even small amount may produce central nervous system manifestations. Hospitalization is required for agitation and combative behavior ... ===============
[looking around again (caps added again)] ...
=============== Antimuscarinic intoxication resulting from the ingestion of moonflower seeds. Ann Pharmacother. 2005 Jan;39(1):173-6.
An 18-year-old man was found at a local convenience store hallucinating and incoherent. Upon presentation to the emergency department, his signs and symptoms included tachycardia, confusion, dilated pupils, and dry, flushed, hot skin. He was admitted to the intensive care unit. Hallucinations and symptoms resolved within 36-48 hours after hospitalization. The patient then reported that he had ingested moonflower seeds. He recovered and was released 4 days after admission. DISCUSSION: Based on the patient's description and clinical presentation, the MOONFLOWER SEEDS were believed to be DATURA inoxia. This species of plant is similar to JIMSON WEED, or DATURA stramonium. These plants are known to contain high concentrations of anticholinergic substances; ingestion can result in anticholinergic intoxication. Signs and symptoms that commonly occur include hallucinations, tachycardia, dilated pupils, and disorientation. ===============