I don't know any publisher. And furthermore, I am highly cautious of Chi-nese because Chi-na had undergone the era of "intrigue under the sun" ("yang2 mou2" [阳()()谋] in Chi-nese. This term was invented by Dic-ta-tor M-a-o). In 1956, Dic-ta-tor M-a-o asked people to correct the errors committed by P-a-r-t-y. When people really criticized some policies of the P-a-r-t-y, M-a-o secretly recorded them and one year later those people were all per-se-cu-ted. If a Chi-nese sees some other Chi-nese saying that people like Ayn Rand are interesting, they'd better suppose that this is an intrigue whose purpose is to "draw snakes out of the holes". So even if I knew how to contact the publisher, I would not really contact them. The fact is that many (though not all) people work in Chi-nese press or mass media are "ideo-logically correct" therefore very depraved. Maybe you Americans can't imagine this, but that's the case. Deep in our heart we should apply the presumption of guilt in this country. I know this is irrational, but being safe is foremost.
I can't predicate the prospect of this series. But I can tell Teresa that none of the go-vern-ment's limitations really work. Many Chi-nese people know how to use p-r-o-x-y, and we can also listening to V-O-A, Deutsch Welle, Radio France Internationale or A(ustralian)BC. And there are also many Chi-nese we-bsites where the essays are very "ideo-logically wrong". I myself also have a b-l-o-g to which I have written some articles which questioning Ma-rxism and Con-fucianism. A useful strategy is to substitute the sen-si-tive words with " *** ". Everyone knows what *** stand for, but formally the article is not attacking "correct" ideo-logy.
They fil-ter Wi-ki-pe-dia, but we have "wordiq.com", " www.thebestlinks.com", " www.answers.com ", " help.com ". They limit go-o-gle, but we have blingo. They spy Chi-nese email, but we have South African email. In-ter-net cannot be really fil-tered. When the Sino-US cable were impaired by an earthquake in January, some "ideo-logically correct" offi-cials were very happy because the World Wide Web became the National Wide Web. But the State instantly felt the economic loss. So they urge repairing it within one month.
I have bought another book named Selfishness and Self-Interest which was written by a Chi-nese from a legal bookstore, so I think "Selfishness" has not been a taboo any more. Thus Virtue of Selfishness can be published.
Meetup has been fil-tered. I don't know why they fil-ter this site. They once even fil-ter website of MIT.
In modern Chi-nese most words are not necessarily composed of only one character. Weight – 重力, force – 力, mass – 质量, speed – 速率, velocity – 速度, acceleration – 加速度. And Amine -- 胺, amide -- 酰胺, imine -- 亚胺, sulfone -- 砜, sulfoxide -- 亚砜, sulfate – 硫酸盐/硫酸酯 (depending on context). (I don't know whether Chi-nese Characters can be shown via this site.) (Edited by femino on 2/02, 5:08am)
(Edited by femino on 2/02, 5:12am)
(Edited by femino on 2/02, 5:17am)