Solo Club galleries Posted by Joseph Rowlands
on 6/19/2004, 2:58am
Hello everyone. I added a new function to the site the other day, which some of you may have noticed. The SOLO mini-clubs now have the ability to have local news, polls, and even articles. The main thing is the news for now. If you have some local news event, you can now select your mini-club as the category type. ...(Read more...)
"In short, the commission repudiates the policy of leaving space travel firmly in the hands of the state. And about time, too. For if human beings are truly meant to slip the surly bonds of Earth, as the poem "High Flight" says -- if we are destined to live on the moon, walk on Mars, explore the solar system -- we will...(Read more...)
The results for the latest elections to the Euroepan Parliament, which has representatives from all member-nations of the European Union, show stunning gains for parties opposed to further integration of the EU (usually unflatteringly referred to as "eurosceptics"). The most sensational result was here in the UK, where...(Read more...)
He says in part: Anthem. Many consider the loss of individuality (in favor of collectivism) to be one of “our” greatest concerns in the 21st Century. So it was when Ayn Rand wrote this short novel. For those who think she took a page from Orwell, check the date of its original publication. Rand outdoes Orwell in less t...(Read more...)
Editor's Update! Posted by Lindsay Perigo on 6/12/2004, 1:38am
Thanks for the steady stream of articles, boys & girls. (Actually, it's just boys at the moment - *where* are the girls??) Much appreciated! A few things: 1) Please make an effort not to stray *too* far from the guidelines. 800-1000 words, punchy, polemical. Exceptions should be just that - exceptions. L...(Read more...)
Several years ago I suggested in <A href="The'>"> The Free Radical </a> that the GE industry would happily shackle itself in an attempt to placate its opponents. In the August 1999 issue I wrote: "The regulatory compromises being a...(Read more...)
Volume 5, Number 2 of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies has been published. The issue includes essays on capitalism (by Hendrik Van den Berg), epistemology (Stephen Boydstun), aesthetics (Roger E. Bissell), and Rand's impact in the UK (Nicholas Dykes), as well as book reviews: William Thomas on Yeager's Ethics as Socia...(Read more...)
Mojave, CA: A privately-developed rocket plane will launch into history on June 21 on a mission to become the world's first commercial manned space vehicle. Investor and philanthropist Paul G. Allen and aviation legend Burt Rutan have teamed to create the program, which will attempt the first non-governmental flight to...(Read more...)
I found this item interesting in its statement that humanists generally are opposed to "right wing" politics; Ayn Rand is mentioned in passing. The author says "I think that the widely shared political values of humanists speak of our ability and desire to behave in ways that, for example, Jesus would approve of."(Read more...)