
Rebirth of Reason

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Never mind the critics, feel the genius
Posted by Peter Cresswell on 12/06/2004, 6:15pm
"No other composer has been as vilified as Richard Wagner," notes The Observer,  "but on the eve of a new [Covent Garden] Ring cycle, it's time to ignore the prejudice and rejoice in his creations." Too true, and with three different Rings happening in London at present, rejoicing in Wagner is almost becoming f...(Read more...)
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A Candle in the Islamic Darkness
Posted by Adam Reed on 12/06/2004, 4:46pm
The Kuwaiti progressive scholar Ahmad Al-Baghdadi, a political science lecturer at Kuwait University, recently published several articles in the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa, denouncing religious thought and praising secularism.(Read more...)
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British anti-Eurofedralist Kilroy-Silk attacked "in the name of Islam"
Posted by Matthew Humphreys on 12/05/2004, 2:37am
Robert Kilroy-Silk, one of the leading British "eurosceptics" (i.e. oppenents of European federalisation) in the European Parliament, has had slurry tipped over him while on the way to take part in a live BBC radio broadcast. The assailant reportedly shouted that he was "doing this in the name of Islam". ...(Read more...)
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Hardee's "Monster Thickburger" -- Fuck yeah!
Posted by Jamie Kelly on 12/04/2004, 11:12pm
It is with the great American pride and joy in unabashed, unshameful love of Big Huge Things that Hardee's has introduced this gloriously oversized, fat-ridden burger and let it dangle right in front of the pinched faces of health nazis and "public interest" groups. I hope it gets fat and grease all over their Gap shir...(Read more...)
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Cato Scholar Outlines Chile's Individual Account Success
Posted by James Kilbourne on 12/04/2004, 10:56am
In today's New York Times, José Piñera, co-chairman of Cato's Project on Social Security Choice, outlines the benefits of Chile's personal retirement account system, a program he designed as Chile's secretary of labor and social security. "Since the system started on May 1, 1981, the average real return on the perso...(Read more...)
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'Go away, Smarty' and New Arctic Arrivals
Posted by Sam Erica on 12/02/2004, 7:52am
The world's smartest woman can't get a job that pays more than $200 per month ...(Read more...)
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CBS and NBC Surrender to Bush's FCC, Refuse Chrch Ad
Posted by Adam Reed on 12/01/2004, 9:26pm
First they came for the titilators. The networks paid fines up to $3.5 million for "indecency." Then... The CBS and NBC television networks are refusing to run a 30-second television ad from the United Church of Christ because its all-inclusive welcome has been deemed "too controversial." What country a...(Read more...)
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BBC--The Most Influential Modern Art Work of All Time by 500 Art Experts
Posted by Newberry on 12/01/2004, 5:45pm
The sad is that so few mind going down the toilet. ...(Read more...)
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What good news, now I can go ahead and buy me a HUMVEE!!!!
Posted by James Kilbourne on 12/01/2004, 4:01pm
The end of the age of oil? November 26, 2004 By Chris Bennett WorldNetDaily.com According the Washington Post (June 6, 2004), the world is on the verge of oil famine. BBC News declares "as certain as death and taxes, we shall one day be forced to learn to live without oil." CBS, NBC and AB...(Read more...)
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Learning Arabic Prevents Moral Decay
Posted by Barbara Branden on 11/28/2004, 10:45pm
Does Learning Arabic Prevent Moral Decay? So argues Akhtar H. Emon, president of an outfit called the Arabic Language Institute Foundation (or ALIF, which is the name of the first letter of the Arabic alphabet), based in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. His interesting argument can be found on an undated we...(Read more...)
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