
Rebirth of Reason

News: Horror

Sanctions: 3Sanctions: 3
Heroism in Everyday Life: One Woman's Confrontation with Bush's Ban on Late-Term Abortion
Posted by Adam Reed on 12/03/2004, 9:04am
This is the first-hand story of an ordinary, non-Objectivist woman who become an Objectivist hero when she was forced to defend her life.(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 3Sanctions: 3
The Australian Mentality when under Attack
Posted by Cassandra on 9/10/2004, 5:49pm
Following from the bombing of the Sari night club in Bali some 2 years ago, yesterday saw Australia under a vicareous attack, when the Australian Embassy in Jakarta was bombed with loss of 11 lives (none of them Australians, although this was more by luck than anything). ...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 4Sanctions: 4
Hilary Clinton unmasked: "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
Posted by Matthew Graybosch on 6/29/2004, 1:18pm
Hilary Clinton (D-NY) has just revealed herself for the looter that she is at a Democratic Party fundraiser in San Francisco. Speaking to supporters rich enough to afford to pay $10,000 to attend this event, Senator Clinton said the following: "Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helpe...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 17Sanctions: 17
Sanctions: 17
Capitalism v Marxism: the visual evidence
Posted by Ross Elliot on 3/06/2004, 8:22pm
This is one of the most eloquent examples of the difference between the comfort and safety that capitalism provides and the cold, lifeless result of collectivist dogma. Three satellite pics of the Korean peninsula showing the bright, heated South Korea and the dark, lonely landscape of North Korea. You can clearly see ...(Read more...)
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