
Rebirth of Reason

News: Horror

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Big Sister is Watching You
Posted by Robert Davison on 11/05, 7:45am
For those who have never read this review it was published in 1957 in the National Review.  Whittaker Chambers writes "From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, a voice can be heard, from painful necessity, commanding: 'To the gas chambers-- go!'" ...(Read more...)
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Telecommunications and Broadband Policy
Posted by Robert Davison on 11/05, 5:47am
The HDTV fiasco is a fine example of a Washington industrial policy ...(Read more...)
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Wal-Mart Warms to the State
Posted by Peter Skup on 10/28, 8:55am
The rise of business regulation, including intervention in market wages, was pushed by large companies for one main reason: to impose higher costs on smaller competitors. This is how child labor legislation, mandated pensions, labor union impositions, health and safety regulations, and the entire panoply of business re...(Read more...)
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The Killing Machine: Che Guevara, from Communist Firebrand to Capitalist Brand
Posted by Marty Lewinter on 10/02, 2:24pm
I can't stand the 'Che' t-shirts all over my campus. Most students don't know that Che was a blood-thirsty butcher. I hope the article circulates widely.  (Read more...)
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Newsflash!! Stoly Goes Nuts!! Film at Eleven!!
Posted by Ross Elliot on 9/20, 11:50pm
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Brainstorming Deemed Politically Incorrect
Posted by Luke Setzer on 9/19, 5:38am
"'Brainstorming', the buzzword used by executives to generate ideas among their staff, has been deemed politically incorrect by civil servants because it is thought to be offensive to people with brain disorders.  Instead staff at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) in Belfast will use the term 't...(Read more...)
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Treasury Department Claims Power to Seize Gold, Silver--and Everything Else
Posted by Peter Skup on 8/25, 1:15pm
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"Full-Quiver" Christians Abandon Birth Control as Immoral
Posted by Luke Setzer on 8/15, 7:41am
"Willful barrenness and chosen childlessness must be named as moral rebellion. ... To demand that marriage means sex -- but not children -- is to defraud the creator of His joy and pleasure in seeing the saints raising His children," says one Christian leader in the article.  These Christians are full of something, all...(Read more...)
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Unknown Into Unknowable: A Defect of Democracy
Posted by Adam Reed on 8/12, 8:54pm
"One of the defects of democracy is that we usually have quite ordinary persons as our leaders. The President's ignorance of science might have remained a private matter, but he chose to speak on the subject of evolution and "intelligent design." ... Science is the chief engine of our society. The great bulk of busines...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 5Sanctions: 5
NCAA Bans Offensive Mascots
Posted by Ashley Frazier on 8/06, 9:16pm
The National Collegiate Athletic Assn. will ban the use of 18 Native American nicknames and mascots it considers "hostile or abusive" during its postseason tournaments beginning early next year, the organization announced Friday. "...as a national association, we believe that mascots, nicknames or images deemed...(Read more...)
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