
Rebirth of Reason

News: Horror

Sanctions: 5Sanctions: 5
Posted by Bob Palin on 1/22, 4:39pm
Fitna A film by Geert Wilders on the threat of Islamic totalitarianism. Islam: A Wakeup Call to the U.S., Europe Transcript of speech given by Geert Wilders on his film Fitna and the threat of Islamic totalitarianism. (Read more...)
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Sanctions: 10Sanctions: 10
Sanctions: 10
Ponzi Schemes Not Limited to Wall Street
Posted by Luke Setzer on 1/05, 7:46am
I wrote that headline myself, changing it from "Grand jury indicts fraud suspect," for reasons that will become obvious. I learned over the holidays that one of my old high school classmates from Bunker Hill High School in the tiny town of Claremont, North Carolina (population ~1100) recently underwent arrest fo...(Read more...)
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Disturbing Obama Campaign Incident
Posted by Rodney Rawlings on 10/18, 6:17am
This was no misunderstanding, I'm quite sure. It is a tactic and a portent.(Read more...)
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Obama's Background
Posted by Rodney Rawlings on 10/13, 8:26am
The stupidity of voting for any third party, Part II. Follow the link for an astounding summary of research that appeared in the Atlas Shrugs blog and elsewhere. Please send to everyone you can, especially in battleground states and Hollywood. ...(Read more...)
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Bloomberg Opens NYC World Science Festival
Posted by Ted Keer on 5/28, 3:45pm
"They're going to use theater, dance, film and music to make science sexy!" - from Bloomberg's keynote address.(Read more...)
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Between Art and the Human Body
Posted by Newberry on 4/18, 7:02pm
A friend just sent me on this link, about a young Yale student, performance artist, i.e. the body as the art medium. This is the concept shared with the performance piece in Grand Central Station. "The student, Aliza Shvarts, was quoted in the the Yale Daily News as saying that the project was meant to explore t...(Read more...)
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French Lady Begs for Euthanasia
Posted by Warren Chase Anspaugh on 2/26, 5:03pm
Tumours make Chantale Sebire's face unrecognisable ...(Read more...)
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Get Your Burka Now!
Posted by Alexander Butziger on 2/05, 8:28am
If Huckabee and Romney lose today, they still have a good shot at successful careers as beachwear designers. ...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 10
Directive 10-289, SPQR
Posted by Alexander Butziger on 1/20, 2:15pm
...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 16Sanctions: 16
Sanctions: 16
Bend Over, Here It Comes Again!
Posted by Alexander Butziger on 1/09, 2:21pm
Socialism, that is. Excellent article on how philosophy shapes the lives of individuals, in this case, how the ideology embraced by a country determines public education, which influences the choices made by individuals not heroic enough to resist. (Read more...)
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