EventsThe Ayn Rand Institute announces a free live event in Chicago
Debate on Foreign Policy: Dr. Yaron Brook vs. Dan Slater
Monday, January 16, 2006 at 7:30 PM University of Chicago; Chicago, Illinois Location: Kent 107For a map and directions, click the following link:
Meetup Group
The Chicago/Evanston Ayn Rand Meetup group meets the fourth Saturday of the month at Gullivers on Howard and California at 2:00.
Danish Cartoon Panel Discussion at UofC
Here are the details for the upcoming talk in Chicago about the Danish Cartoons.
The University of Chicago Objectivist Club is pleased to announce a panel discussion in defense of the freedom of speech. Danish cartoons depicting Muhammad have sparked a worldwide controversy. Death threats and violent protests have sent the cartoonists into hiding and have had the intended effect of stifling freedom of expression. The reaction to these cartoons raises urgent questions whose significance goes far beyond a set of drawings.
Come ask your questions about freedom of speech, the Danish cartoons, and the issues they have raised at a panel discussion. The cartoons will be prominently displayed throughout the event.
When: Tuesday, April 25th, 7pm. Doors open at 6:30
Where: Kent Chemical Laboratory, Room 107, on the University of Chicago campus. The Kent Chemical Laboratory is at 1020 East 58th Street; Chicago, IL. For maps of campus and the surrounding area, see
Panelists: Dr. Yaron Brook, president of the Ayn Rand Institute Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Tom Flynn, editor of Free Inquiry magazine
Tickets: $2, in the Reynold's Club (5706 South University) between 11am and 2pm on April 20, 21, 24. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door. Those who find it inconvenient to purchase advance tickets on campus may email to reserve them.