| | Here's my current investment strategy:
Unfortunately we live in a world where you can't really gain by investments. The best you can do is buy commodities to protect your wealth. Governments around the world are destroying their fiat currency purchasing power by inflating their money supply and handing out money to people with ridiculously low interest rates. If you can afford it, now is a good time to invest in your education and maybe go on trips to find places you might like to move to. Try to find ways to take advantage of fixed low interest rates offered by the bank and the Fed that you can pay back later with monopoly money. I think buying farm land is an awesome idea. If you don't want to do farming yourself, you can lease it out to a local farmer.
1. Buy gold/silver/commodities. Buy land, low fixed interest rate, low money down, and in an area that is expected to have the best economic future. Potential areas: Texas, Arizona, Florida, New Hampshire. Maybe Panama? Again, buying real estate is a great way to take advantage of the expected reduction in future USD purchasing power.
2. Buy index funds and low overhead mutual funds, particularly foreign countries that are already capitalist and becoming more capitalist. I think Hong Kong, China, and Singapore are good locations. Particularly mutual funds that focus on high dividends.
3. Sell bonds and dollars. Bonds currently have a fixed low interest rate, and the interest rates are expected to increase, and the more than doubling inflation of the monetary base since 2008 is going to really hurt the purchasing power of the dollar (and bonds).
4. Money market currently sucks, and its going to continue to suck until the Fed gets out loaning money... or until it at least raises its interest rate to a reasonable 10%+.