
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 3:52pmSanction this postReply
As I'm retired I can't skip work but I would be willing to forego all purchases for a week.


Post 1

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 4:44pmSanction this postReply
It might help if something indicated what this "event" is. A name alone is meaningless.

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Post 2

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 5:28pmSanction this postReply
If this is planned for a long enough period, there could be a flood of articles and even youtube videos in the weeks leading up to John Galt day.

The idea, as I'm seeing it, is a symbolic event that arises out of the frustration of most Americans with politicians and government. It does so in such a way, that a rational resistance to the trend towards increasing statism and out-of-control government is joined to an interest in Objectivism. It would work towards uniting the frustration felt by most Americans in a framework that is Objectivist. In that way it is educational and it energizes the Objectivist descriptions of what is wrong and what should be. It fastens the anger of Americans, as a motivation, to the demand, formulated in Objectivist phrases, for more free enterprise, and common-sense government.

It would be an experiment in joining people together as an active force working towards a smaller, common-sense government based upon their right to not be subjected to the abuse and expenses and harms wrought by today's out of control politicians and the leviathan government they have wrought. It may be the time, since the political parties have abandoned all but the inner circles and their special interests.

It should be stated in moral terms ("We have the right...") and it should allow expressions of anger while implying hope for benevolent change (Hey, I would have used those concepts even if The One hadn't).

It should be stated not in utopian or technical terms, but in a common-sense, achievable goal - a government that doesn't spend more than it takes it. Politicians that don't take money from special interests. Government spending that never exceeds some reasonable portion of the GDP. That kind of thing. That contract with America that Gingrich put together was very effective at generating a lot of energy.

The theme of course, is that the individual is the reason for the government and it should be serving him, not the other way around.

Post 3

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 5:29pmSanction this postReply
See this thread for more details and discussion.


Post 4

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 5:50pmSanction this postReply
Excellent post Steve. I am discussing this idea with my wife who is a marketing expert. Her first reaction was that to be truly effective, this campaign should not be linked to John Galt or Objectivism, but needs a message with broader appeal and free of the baggage of preconceptions. I am not convinced of her argument, but because of pressing work, we haven't been able to delve into this in detail. I will be discussing it with her over the next week and will summarize her insights about how best to tackle a project such as this.

You raise many good points in a few short paragraphs. Anyone who is interested in pursuing this idea further should start to collect their thoughts into an outline so that we can ultimately consolidate our ideas into a cohesive plan. I see three broad areas to be addressed:

1: Ideas: The message to be communicated

2: Strategy: How to effectively organize and present the message

3: Implementation: How to execute

I think we should remain in the brainstorming area for a bit and see if there are other better ideas. Sam's thought of withholding purchases is another interesting area to consider. The strike idea has many appealing attributes, but my wife thinks it is doomed to failure because she believes that few people will risk skipping work, especially in this economy, where one's job may already be in jeopardy. She has a point. We need to carefully consider the potential consequences when designing a strategy.

What I hope we can all agree upon is that something needs to be done.


Post 5

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 6:22pmSanction this postReply
This sounds like a whole boat load of fun, but I'd hate to make my innocent employer suffer. He'd give me the time off with no problem, I'm sure, but still.  I'm the only one that knows how to do my job at work!

This reminds me of the "call in gay day" that happened a few months ago. lol. 

Post 6

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 6:36pmSanction this postReply
Maybe the action to be taken should be a massive deluge of email, snail mail, and phone calls to congress and the white house.

I'm not sure what would be best, but it needs to be some kind of action - like a march at lunch time - a mailing campaign - throw some tea in the Boston harbor...

Post 7

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 6:49pmSanction this postReply
Taking time off work is a sacrifice. Why not have a campaign urging people to take normal, paid vacation all at the same time? (John Galt Day, or week). If enough people did it it could cause disruptions and at the same time it would be 'in your face' to those who still wanted the services that they normally would get.

Plan it a year in advance. Have YouTube videos, bumper stickers, letters ... the works.


(Edited by Sam Erica on 2/02, 7:01pm)

Post 8

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 8:37pmSanction this postReply
Already have the T-shirt with -"This ATLAS SHRUGGED - when will you?"... would do a bumper sticker, but have no car...

Post 9

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 10:21pmSanction this postReply
So, I suppose that means you'll stop living off welfare, Robert?

Post 10

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - 10:13amSanction this postReply
I'd stay home and put out a press release that I've got a done deal to make a movie of Atlas Shrugged and that Julia Roberts, Madonna, Tom Cruise and both Olsen twins are just dying to play Dagny.
(Edited by Peter Reidy on 2/04, 10:13am)

Post 11

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - 1:25pmSanction this postReply
Tom Cruise as Dagny? LOL.

Steve has the most practical idea - a mail out campaign. I would say a coordinated e-mail "mail out", where everyone participating is given an extensive list of targets (including press), a general agreed upon message which they'd be encouraged to personalize, and where everyone sends their messages out on the same day.

Some volunteers would have to develop the master email list.

Some volunteers would have to recruit protesters to sign up for the event.

Some volunteers would have to decide upon a target date & coordinate everything with everybody.

Some volunteers would have to write come up with the basic wording, and tips for how individuals might personalize their own correspondence.

Might as well set up several events, new messages as appropriate, if going to all this work.


Post 12

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - 2:04pmSanction this postReply

I think that one of the best pieces of PR that could be done right now would be to get Atlas Shrugged made into a three-part movie or better yet, a 5-day television mini-series event to air in one week for maximum impact. With the current economic and political conditions, I think a well-made mini-series would generate more viewership that Roots (which, BTW, I'm surprised hasn't resurfaced in the wake of BO's election). I wish this boondoggle would surface to see the light of day. I would be personally willing to invest my money in its production if there was an opportunity to do so coupled with some assurance that it would be made and aired in a timely fashion. Right now, I am (sorry to say) much more interested in seeing this used as an effective piece of propaganda against the current political trends than I am as an aesthetic experience.


Post 13

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - 2:20pmSanction this postReply
I think a mail-campaign could be an effective component of protest, but I would still like to see something occur that would be measurable in a way that showed that there were enough people in this country, who if organized, could create consequences that could not be ignored.

I'm still mulling over the idea of just how effectively a "strike" event could be executed, but under all of this, what I see as the true goal would be to start organizing pro-freedom people of all persuasions to begin to think about acting in a coordinated manner, by getting them to understand that their participation would not be wasted and that their message would be heard and have impact. People need to feel empowered to act. Otherwise, they will remain inactive and silent out of resignation. This is why I think an Atlas Shrugged movie would be such a good piece of PR. It would inspire people by showing true heros in all industries and walks of life, and this inspiration could then, for a time, be leveraged. What other ideas do people have for inspiring people to stand up and loudly voice their opposition to the current direction this country is headed? What types of events would entice people to get involved?

The mail campaign is intriguing, but what is the content of the mailing?


Post 14

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - 8:36pmSanction this postReply
I agree with Jeff that nothing would be as powerful in motivating people as Atlas Shrugged done as a 5 part made for TV movie (it would never work as a single theater movie or even as a multi-part movie theater piece).

But it isn't either-or. Some kind of event should be worked on. Strike, mail in campaign, what-ever. After the thing that Jeff posted from Cato Institute, I'm thinking that they would be an excellent choice for coordinating something like this - if it ends up cast in a form they can approve of. They have done a number of full page ads and could do one or more leading up to the The Event (what ever it turns out to be). They may like the idea of merging a popular grass roots movement (of the right sort) with their political advocacy that so far is just writing and broadcasting.

I wonder if Cato would have any interest in using their influence to push the appropriate parties forward with getting Atlas Shrugged the TV movie made? Do we know anyone at Cato?

Post 15

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - 8:53pmSanction this postReply
Maybe the best approach is to define what we would like to achieve.

I'd like to start a grass roots movement towards reform of the government in the direction of free-enterprise.

It would mean forcing a balanced budget and a return to the Gold Standard (Nixon took us off)

It would mean a significant reduction in the size of government (maybe back to the size of the government under Bush the elder) and removing many of the regulations and taxes from businesses - those are now killing us in global competition.

Those are non-partisan, in a sense, that is not Objectivist, Conservative or Libertarian. More like a commonsense approach that could be palatable to all, except for the liberals, as a direction to take for now.

It could be framed as a new contract under which we expect all politicians to work, no matter what their party. And we propose to make it mandatory and that it will be phased in over a 4 year period, or something like that.

I am hoping for a chance to slow down the rush towards statism and buy time to reeducate the public about egoism and capitalism - which is required for a long term solution. The grass roots movement would only be intended to do that slowing down.

To make the movement very inclusive it shouldn't take 'extreme' positions, or many of the positions we support. They should continue to be fought, but under their current banners - and not under the grass roots movement's banner.

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Post 16

Thursday, February 5, 2009 - 8:38amSanction this postReply
Glen Beck is coming on strong with his recent Obama's Change: Socialism piece.


Together with Rush Limbaugh they have a strong voice with an in-your-face presentation. I usually agree with Steve W. but I think a direct confrontation is the only way to challenge and shock the young, naive BO voters into questioning their tenuous beliefs. I think many young people voted for BO just because they were influenced by the likes of The Colbert Report and John whatsisname (Daily?), not because of rock solid convictions. Their conviction is, "It's nicer to vote liberal."


Post 17

Thursday, February 5, 2009 - 9:21amSanction this postReply
True, Sam. And don't forget, those same kids don't have a problem with "in your face" presentations when it comes from MTV, rap, etc.. AND, they had no problem with bands like Rage Against the Machine or Incubus putting out videos depicting Bush as Hitler:

(for the brave: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFnnV595byE)

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Post 18

Thursday, February 5, 2009 - 10:35amSanction this postReply
Sam, I agree with continuing the in-their-face, uncompromising full-force attacks. But it would not be the effective approach for the goals I envision for that grass-roots event. The idea there is to get the largest number of people possible to make a visible sign of their desire for a change that is in the opposite direction from where Obama/Pelosi are headed. To achieve that you need to energize with a moral righteousness, but to limit the scope of the demand. Instead of a moral demand that all taxation be eliminated and all government agencies except for police and military and courts be abolished, the grass-roots campaign for this single event should call for balanced budget, a reduction in taxes and size of government (or something along those lines).

Rush, and Beck and Objectivists, and Libertarians can all agree with that as a direction, as a beginning, and all of us can still keep fighting for much more. But if this limited campaign, this single event, is to achieve a wide spread effect - if it is to fire up a large number of people who are at this time unfamiliar with our principles, it can't call for what to them would look like extreme fringe concepts.

If it were possible to get a large portion of the population excited and active about the minarchist proposition, then why are we diddling about with an event? Let's just get them fired up and put things right once and for all.

I see that large number as having a special value. The entire world gets put on notice that there really isn't an unopposed mandate for Obama's direction. All of those people that stand up, get to see that there are many, many others that feel the same... they can take heart and be empowered by that observation. It is more frightening to the politicians, and will cause them to slow down. The tiny number of politicians who are valiantly fighting Obama will have some powerful arguments they can make from large numbers.

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Post 19

Thursday, February 5, 2009 - 11:11amSanction this postReply
Good post #18 Steve.

On another front, what would also be extremely useful would be to get a truly charismatic candidate to run on either the Republican or Libertarian ticket. One big reason that Ron Paul didn't get more traction than he did is because he is unfortunately just not a dynamic presenter. He most often says exactly the right thing, and I like him as a person, but the lack of charisma is a big stumbling block. I believe that BO won this election for the most part because of his good looks, his wholesome relationship with his family, his calm demeanor and his articulateness. Put his policies in the mouth of another less personable candidate and they would never have achieved his results.

Who is out there with the necessary charisma to win the populace over as Reagan once did? Political philosophy and raw intelligence is secondary as a small think-tank support group could fill in these gaps. I was hoping that Sarah Palin might be that person, and if she had skipped the 2008 campaign, and spent the next two years preparing, I think she could have been launched onto the scene very effectively. But now she has dug herself into a hole of ridicule that she will never be able to surmount. Is there anyone else who fits this bill that could be groomed as a spokesman for the cause of liberty?


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