| | Hong: "You should be around more. I think THAT certainly would make the number of female SOLOists soar."
You are TOO kind! True, my wit is matched only by my talent for writing soft core porn (per the illustrious Ramblin' Robert Bidinotto), but that picture is just horrendous. While I am certainly no looker on the order of magnitude of, say, a Jason Dixon, Aquinas, Bidinotto, Rowlands, Bachler, (insert long list of handsome SOLO males) et.al., I must say that I am at least SLIGHTLY more attractive in real life than in the photo. Now that there are so many delicious female morsels wandering hereabouts, I ought to get a better picture submitted.
Before there were so many chicks around, I was content with readers thinking "damn, that guy is funny-looking, but he DOES have a point!" or "if only he could clever his way into a new face..." or, you know, whatever..
But now that I there are more ladies, plus an outside chance at garnering some same-sex fans, well, hell, camera, here I come...
Ramblin' Robert Bidinotto: "How come the poll doesn't have a category, "Bidinotto cast-offs"?"
Because the truth cuts too deeply, Robert. The truth cuts too deeply! Can't you let them retain SOME measure of self-respect, you egotistical lady-killing MONSTER!!!!
John: "Makes it harder to argue with a JJ, Jennifer, Hong, or Jason because they're so damned huggable."
Could be, could be. Now, for the record, I dont know crap about you, pal. But there is something about the tone of your writings that makes me want to take you to a local pub and buy you beer. I guess that's my ham-handed male way of saying I like you. We'd have fun, but even more fun if Ramblin' Robert came along to stare and nod his head, ever so slightly, in amusement at my drunken antics. Now, if we could get the SOLO ladies out for a drink as well, we'd REALLY be cooking! Half-way thru the night, I'd probably call Jason Dixon and the rest of the good looking male SOLOists, because by then, I would have managed to offend all the ladies, and would be too toasted to care about the competition. Hell, we could even invite Kat and Michael. The dreamers could watch their cuddling and plan for the same for themselves. The depressives could stare and lament that such is not for them. I would probably just stare to check out the hot action... There really need to be some planned SOLO BingeFests arranged, internationally. Alcohol mandatory, except for the designated driver.