| | I will vote for Winston because of his stance on Immigration, and because hes got a great smile. I think a small population is what makes New Zealand a great place. And while it my stimulate the economy short term, in the long run it will make life cheap. I understand the idea of free movement, but think it only works one way, when you leave. There can't be a principle that says we will let only those that assimilate in, but maybe something a long the lines of an exchange, so if 10 people were aloud into America we would allow 10 Americans to come here, and if 30,000 kiwis want to go to China, then we would let 30,000 come here. Otherwise we could just have boat loads just because anything is better than the hell holes they come from, but it is up to them in their own countries to sort the problem out. I think a vote for National is wrong, even though one day New Aealand should become a republic and then no token seats, but now the fact is that Maori signed a treaty guaranteeing some representaion and the seats don't make a difference anyway, essentially he is just blaming maori for all the problems actually caused by statism. But in actual fact I will probably vote for Libz because Winston is actually not as tough as I first thought and to nice to old people responsible for statism, they went off to the war to fight it and came back home to vote for it.