
Rebirth of Reason

Fraser Stephen-Smith

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Number of Posts: 174
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Num Gallery items: 3
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Years ago, Derek McGovern gave Fraser a job at Radio Liberty, introduced him to roasted garlic and libertarianism. Fleeing New Zealand to pursue the expensive habit of swordplay, Fraser based himself in London.


Fraser is hoping that a libertarian society will allow the progress of technology to make rubber bands obsolete, as he has a peculiar physical aversion to them. If independently wealthy, he would like to either teach young children or to be a pilot. His early business ventures into teaching young children to fly aeroplanes were met with typical governmental objections. As it is, Fraser gets paid for telling other people how to do their job.


He also remains very deeply in love with Sarah.

Recent Gallery Items

(News) Schools given cash - to give away
(News) One side can be wrong
(Quotes) God is a hypothesis, and, as such, stands in need of proof; the onus probandi [burden of proof] rests on the theist


General Forum - Joe, the Personal, Emotional, Soul-Baring Stories were GOOD Things! - 39
SOLO Announcements - The End of SoloHQ - 46
News Discussions - Schools given cash - to give away - 0
Jokes - If Rednecks ruled the world - 20
Jokes - If Rednecks ruled the world - 15
Jokes - If Rednecks ruled the world - 13
General Forum - The Argument from Intimidation - 299
General Forum - The Argument from Intimidation - 244
General Forum - Who is Andy Postema? - 91
General Forum - Who is Andy Postema? - 79
General Forum - Is circumcising an infant an initiation of force? - 76
General Forum - Is circumcising an infant an initiation of force? - 67
General Forum - Is circumcising an infant an initiation of force? - 59
Quotes - I do not believe that men are afraid of dyeing, they are afr... - 2
Article Discussions - Daily Linz 17 - Friday Miscellany - 5
News Discussions - EU Court Protects Greek Feta - 6
Article Discussions - Daily Linz 15 - This Cheek's Not For Turning - 17
Article Discussions - Daily Linz 15 - This Cheek's Not For Turning - 15
Article Discussions - Daily Linz 15 - This Cheek's Not For Turning - 8
Article Discussions - Daily Linz 15 - This Cheek's Not For Turning - 4

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