| | Steve Wolfer,Are you saying the neither people nor cultures change over time? If that's so, how is we have been getting worse during the 1900's? Or do you think things can only get worse as history unrolls? But if that were so, we could never have broken away from England or had the glorious burst of freedom we did for a couple hundred years. The US started out economically and socially free due to a large number of people migrating from places of high government control to the land of the free, the US. The US was the land of the free because the people who moved to the US desired to be free.
In a very productive society that has lots of social safety nets and generosity, socialists can reproduce faster than capitalists. This is because a socialist can have any number of children, all of whom will not die no matter how unproductive the parents are. A capitalist would not have more children than she can support herself. Hence in such a society socialists reproduce faster than capitalists.
Since the early US, due to generosity and donations, people who prefer to live at the expense of others have been multiplying like rabbits. Around the start of the 1900's socialists began to reach equal numbers as the capitalists. 1920's, women's suffrage passed, added a massive number of voters that are generally socialist.
Some people change over time, but I don't think many do. Cultures definitely change over time, one kind of change is the process I described above. And I think I made it clear how we "broke away from England" and "had the glorious burst of freedom". Its because people who desired to be free all released themselves from their old state of bondage and banded together at a new place to create a new place of freedom for themselves.But above all I'd say that you do not have ANY solid, rational evidence to support your claim, that given a choice the average American would take a lower standard of living, and be on welfare, than to have a higher standard of living and be productive and independent. What I should say is speak for yourself, except that I believe you prefer the productive, independent higher standard of living. Me too. What's the deal, are we not humans? Isn't Obama being elected strong enough evidence? He's one of the most socialist of people-- and he was elected. So... go ahead... tell all of the Americans that socialism results in death, like in China and Russia. You know what? They've heard it already. And they voted for Obama. Maybe they think "We'll vote for capitalism again once things start to get bad". Mainly I think they think "If Obama wins then I get stuff for free yay!" and they don't think beyond that.I'm also not clear on how education won't help. [...] I adopt new information and shift my views about all the time... I educate myself. Years ago, I took many, many classes and was in the process of changing aspects of my beliefs in a very concentrated fashion. Yes, well, you are smart. You can learn complex abstract ideas and verify the truth yourself. Dumb people can't do that. And I'm saying that dumb people who can't think who are socialists are in the majority and in power. I just read news: The Fed says they need to do some more "quantitative easing" to fight against deflation of the USD. Can you imagine anything more stupid than that statement? And yet the statement is accepted and unchallenged.
In last, Steve, I am preparing to move. I've been gathering resources and increasing my hire-ability and independence for the last four years so that I am capable of moving successfully. I've got a hobby software project going at home that may lead to starting my own business. I've reached the point now where I'm feeling very comfortable that I'd be able to move anywhere successfully. I just need to find the place now.
Disclaimer: No, I don't think women's suffrage is a bad thing. But I do think that equal weighted per person voting is bad. I think votes should be weighted by size of financial donation to the government.