| | Jordan confessed: "I most resemble white males, 65 or older, who graduated college, and are Republican, Conservative, Protestant, white evanglical weekly churchgoers. Funny. Scary." That would describe the run-of-the-mill middle class business/professional achievers who are the transmitters production in a commercial society, the hard-headed, moralistic, realistic, old, college-educated (but not over-educated) white guy.
Also, as a social scientist, I repect the Pew organization for its good work.
That said, once you get beyond the folksy conservatism, a lot of questions are begged. Christians go to great lengths to separate themselves from other "pagan" mysticisms. Of course, at root, they share fundamental agreements, if not on particulars. "Reincarnation" means coming back to Earth in material form but with the spirit from a previous lifetime. That is different from living happily ever after in heaven with God and Jesus. If you can parse that, then, yes, our old WASP with a bachelor's degree is likely not a Wiccan, whereas the African-American female high school drop out is likely to fear the "evil eye." However, any understanding of the principles of Objectivism allows us to subsume all of those variants under the same rubric.