| | Jennifer, I actually took notes at this movie (I sat in the back - people didn't seem to notice). And, while this is somewhat redundant (reprinted from the Economics thread), I will share my 48 points of interest from the movie, which were written somewhat haphazardly - in a dark theater ...
1) Michael Moore [speaking of material prosperity]: "There's no such thing as enough!"
2) Noam Chomsky [speaking of "incorporation"]: " ... originally chartered by government ... short term profit of stock holders ... CEO's responsibility to be totally inhuman ..."
3) 1712 - steam pump - first corporation
4) "Lack of public control of corporations ... corporations cause enormous harms ..."
5) "A corporation ... is a gift by the people to serve the public good ..."
6) corporation = a "legal" person
7) Nike paying 3rd world 10 cents an hour
8) 70 cents an hour in Dominican Republic
9) Monsanto & rBGH in milk (Ed: this "conspiracy of gov't & business - against the public" has relevant truth to it)
10) Monsanto created Agent Orange (Ed: irrelevant)
11) Roche anti-trust suit = $500 Million in fines
12) Exxon's = $125 Million
13) CEO of Interface Carpet (environmentalist)
14) (Shell or Goodyear co.?) has laid-off 20,000 folks since 1990
15) Corporate spy: "I don't feel guilt"
16) Everybody doubled their money on gold stock on 11 Sept. 2001
17) 1991 bombing of Iraq --> oil prices went from $13 a barrel to $40 a barrel
18) brokers talked about Saddam helping oil price hikes by "burning up" the oil
19) It costs $10,000 to sing Happy Birthday in a movie (song rights)
20) Initiative Media - biggest advertiser in world - $12 Billion in advertising time
21) The Nag Factor study - 20-40% of purchases wouldn't occur if kids didn't nag parents
22) Chomsky: " ... mindless consumers of goods they don't want ... fashionable consumptions ..."
23) perception management vs "liberty"
24) Celebration, Florida = a literal Disney town
25) " ... information is filtered by a media keen to corporate interests ... "
26) GE & Jack Abarty patenting "life" (anything sub-human)
27) Monsanto's "human testing" of rBGH was actually on rats (a mere 30 rats!) for 90 days (a mere 3 months!)
28) rBGH/rBST scandal story = dire consequences for Fox News/Ruport Murdock
29) Fox: "The news is what we say it is"
30) Euphemistic Official rBGH Report = for "cancer" insert "human health implications"
31) 83 re-writes
32) 2 whistle-blowers at Fox seek $400,000 award; Fox appeals it
33) At whistle-blower trial (Florida): " ... falsifying news isn't actually against the law ... "
34) Nazi fascism was funded by companies
35) GM --> Opel; Ford --> ?; Coke (Fanta Orange) --> Nazi Coke
36) IBM in every concentration camp (millions prisoner punch cards, purchased by Nazis from IBM)
37) World Bank-Bolivia water-Bechtel (gov't defended Bechtel)
38) 1942-IBM CEO Watson has dinner with Hitler
39) Corporate gangsters = 500,000 men take over US gov't
40) Milton Friedman (voice of reason!): " ... not democratic to make corporations socially responsible .. "
41) Elaine Bernard is a Statist
42) Revoke Union Oil (Unocal?) company charter in public interest?
43) In Arcata-no more than 9 chain restaurant allowed
44) British Salt-tax vs Ghandi (irrelevant?)
45) Ray Anderson (environmentalist CEO of Interface): "Not one industry is sustainable" ... "[leave] zero foot-print"
46) Michael Moore: "Get this world back in our hands"
47) Bolivia water company - people living on $2 a day paying 25% of their income (50 cents a day) on water
48) Cochabambovista? - returned privatized water to "the people"
Jennifer, I hope that answers your question. Also, I was really put off by this movie which, on balance, was decidedly anti-capitalist.