| | Well, indeed, his remarks are careless and nihilistic, but as one said the art is part of reality and it stands for itself. As I see it on the pictures, I think it looks great and stands out in a way that I don't want to describe just now. Though I admit that his comments to this work of art are blasphemic and hurtful (foremost to those artists who still incorporate rational ideas in their works of art), but you don't have to like the persona of the authors to like their works.
I don't like many aspects of the way of life Ayn Rand has chose and how she behaved in the end, but I admire her works and what she brought for me to think about and to use.
So, in my opinion, it is the same with Cristo. You don't have to like him or even think him a good person, but I certainly enjoy the view of his works (which sometimes get human engineers to the limits of the possible and this is interesting and wonderfull).