| | Jack
The deluge began over a decade ago. I'm still waiting to see how long this "short-term" lag lasts. Check the wage rates along the border with those less affected by uncontrolled immigration and get some figures to support your facts.
Well show me some figures! Why do you want me to do your homework? I can readily find national figures for you, over the past ten years we have had net economic growth in this time period. GDP per capita increased in the past ten years, which means an increase in the standard of living:

While the unemployment rate stayed relatively the same in the past years hovering around its usual 2-4%.

That means people got richer in this country, while unemployment rates stay about the same. So this "deluge" seems to have improved our economy.
As for the long term benefits, tell that to a young couple struggling to survive among hordes of illegal workers willing to accept slave wages.
Sorry but if you're going to go down the emotionalism route, you're not going to get much sympathy from me considering we have had net economic growth for the past decade. I suppose I could say back to you why would you deny so many millions of young couples who have greatly benefited from immigrant labor their increased standard of living? Tell that to the well off young couple who now has a job because the economy grew.
And slave wages? Are you a Marxist? Do you think people are entitled to a wage they demand? How about we raise the minimum wage to 100 dollars an hour and completely shut down our borders to all immigration?
Only if we had OPEN borders would the wages in Mexico rise to an acceptable level, while we continue to have one-way borders only the rich and politically connected benefit...on both sides of the border.
And what is an "acceptable" level? An arbitrary wage level that you Jack McNally will set? Wage levels are determined by supply and demand. If we opened our borders while Mexico continued to close theirs, I see no reason why that would hurt our economy as I stated in my previous post:
"Markets grow, especially when more labor is introduced, so the economy is never finite and I find it hard to believe there is such a thing as a saturation in the labor market. If lower skilled labor is not high in demand, it gives people the incentive to either leave those marketplaces and look for markets where lower skilled labor is in demand, or there is the incentive to gain skills to receive a higher paid wage. If there is a higher demand for M.D.s, their salaries increase, their services being more sought after start to decrease once their prices for their services increase, and the incentive for more people to become M.D.s is there in order to gain a market share of those high doctor's profits. The free market always insures there are no shortages or surpluses in either labor or products and services, or at least very minimal shortages and surpluses, whereas protectionism almost always assuredly gives us shortages (high tarrifs and inefficient goods) and surpluses (subsidized industries)."
If immigrants founds themselves not finding a job, they would have no more an incentive to immigrate here and choose a different market to migrate to. Which actually has happened historically as during the Great Depression immigration was at an historical low:

I originally wrote: "How do you mean suffer? You mean they have to more aggressively compete for their jobs? Are you saying competition is bad?"
To which you respond:
If someone who can do YOUR job is satisfied with $2.50 per hour because the government in his home country is corrupt ...
If someone is willing to take a job at $2.50 an hour, that is what the job is worth. You have no right to dictate to a company and employee who freely chose to enter into an agreement with each other that you Jack McNally do not "approve" of their transaction. No more so than if someone took a job at $8.00 an hour do you have any more moral authority to disapprove of that transaction, or $50, or $100. It's none of your business. If people don't want to compete for a job, or learn a new skill or start their own business and stop whining about having to be productive, then they can join the rest of their comrades in the unemployment line.
I originally wrote:
"There are many regions in the United States where densely populated areas can have less crime per capita than more spread out populated areas."
You responded:
Name two.
Sure. Here's a wikipedia link to crime rates in 2006 by metropolitan area:
Baltimore has a murder rate of 42.0 while a city like Philadelphia that is more than twice the size in population has a murder rate of 25.6. Detroit has a murder rate of 39.3 while Los Angeles which is almost four times larger in population has a murder rate of 12.6.
Just look at the numbers.
It seems you are too willing to give away the farm...probably because you have no dog in this fight. .... They want to eat their cake and give us the garbage...sorry, but I find that unacceptable.
Did you ever stop to think and say to yourself "hey maybe I don't know much about this topic for me to come to any judgment?" You obviously demonstrated a lot of ignorance on the subject matter, perhaps you can take a step back, be honest with yourself and realize maybe you don't have all the information you need to make a sound judgment, and instead make a sincere effort to learn more and take what I and others have said on this thread and internalize the data.
(Edited by John Armaos on 3/17, 4:23pm)