| | Greetings.
SOLO's reputation thus far has been that of an open forum, where a variety of viewpoints is appreciated and their discussion is encouraged, even in the instances where this may provoke heated disagreement and even occasional frustration. The latter two, in my judgment, are inevitable outcomes of a state of toleration, and ought to be embraced rather than restricted.
David Kelley writes on this subject in Chapter 5 of Truth and Toleration:
Rational knowledge is acquired by integrating the facts, by sifting and weighing the evidence, and a vital part of this process is open discussion and debate. We should encourage this process. Rationality means integrity, a loyalty to the conclusions of one's own mind. We should honor this, even in a person whose conclusions we disagree with. Rationality requires justice, adhering strictly to the facts in judging other people, and applying moral standards impartially. We should practice this. And a rational person is independent. Above all, as I said in "A Question of Sanction," let's encourage this virtue within our own ranks. Let us welcome dissent, and the restless ways of the explorers among us. Yes, ladies and gentlement, individuals exist whose minds dictate them to express disagreement with some of the even fundamental views that we, Objectivists hold. This does not, however, preclude their intellectual honesty nor their willingness to recognize rationality where we can explain it to them with sufficient patience and persuasive capacity. Examine, if you will, Citizen Rat's analysis of my article, The Orwellian Popular Culture of Modernity, in which he has shown advocacy numerous times for capitalism, the "Enlightenment era's standards of excellence," an opposition to nihilism and modern pop-culture, the modern anti-standards, anti-conceptual mentality, and even altruism itself, which he called a nihilistic perversion of benevolence, something David Kelley himself would strongly agree with. Are these not values that we can derive, and can traces of certain values not exist in other individuals as well, even those that are not even as close to Objectivism as Citizen Rat?
I understand that Mr. Bisno's suggestion is not intended to deter participation of those like Citizen Rat, and I commend him for this recognition. However, I am also aware, periferally, of the Exec List discussion, which has prompted Mr. Rat to depart from this forum and, from what I know of it (please correct me if I am wrong) has explored more extreme approaches to the "problem" of theists and other non-Objectivists on this forum.
Mr. Landauer stated, with regard to the idea of engaging non-Objectivists in discourse for practice, that this can be done at other, more general forums. But the risk encountered in such a situation is our alienation at those forums for not being "mainstream enough" (whatever that means in the eyes of the shifting modern paradigm) as well as a dearth of fellow rational thinkers to assist in addressing the cascade of irrationalities that will be heaped upon us. Let me give you an example:
In December, 2003, I posted Henry Emrich's article, "Why They Fear Us," on The Free Republic (a very tolerant, competently-managed, and high-traffic forum, where the discussions get quite intense on occasion): http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1048820/posts. I received quite a few responses, both from virulent, name-calling fundamentalist theists, as well as intelligent, eloquent theists who thought that they could use reasoning and facts to support their position (I disagreed, of course, but commended them for the effort!). Had I been facing them alone, I would not have, for sheer lack of time, been able to refute their comments. I happened to enjoy the helpful commentary of one, Hank Kerchief (i.e. Reginald Firehammer), whose words accounted for some of the responses and allowed me to focus on others. Nevertheless, we still could not cover them all because there were just too few of us. There were also a lot of undecided individuals, who were curious about the nature of Objectivism and desired explanations. I wish I could have provided more than time allowed. Here, at SOLO, we certainly enjoy the abundance of rational thinkers to facilitate a response to any request for assistance or a refutation of any irrational argument that we see. This is the advantage of engaging non-Objectivists on Objectivist turf.
I am G. Stolyarov II