“According to ARI her philosophy means violating individual rights while uttering patriotic bromides, placing halos above the heads of bold fearless leaders, reveling in war, torturing perceived enemies of the state – the whole playbook of fascism…..this face praises dying for “freedom” everywhere on earth, and remains silent about the systematic destruction of authentic freedom here at home…”
Here is just a sampling of some editorial commentary from ARI, demonstrating that the exact opposite is true: ARI is doing a brilliant job of showing how Objectivist ethical and political principles apply to foreign policy and the war on terror.
What We Owe Our Soldiers by Alex Epstein "What we owe these men who fight so bravely for their and our freedom is to send them to war only when that freedom is truly threatened, and to make every effort to protect their lives during war—by providing them with the most advantageous weapons, training, strategy, and tactics possible. "In addition to being sent on ill-conceived, “humanitarian” missions, our soldiers have been compromised with crippling rules of engagement that place the lives of civilians in enemy territory above their own. In Afghanistan we refused to bomb many top leaders out of their hideouts for fear of civilian casualties; these men continue to kill American soldiers. In Iraq, our hamstrung soldiers are not allowed to smash a militarily puny insurgency—and instead must suffer an endless series of deaths by an undefeated enemy." Bush’s Betrayal of America: The Iraqi Elections by Elan Journo "That a theocracy may rise to power in Iraq appears to be totally compatible with the President's conception of "freedom." As he told Fox News in October, if Iraq votes in a fundamentalist government, he would "be disappointed. But democracy is democracy. . . If that's what the people choose, that's what the people choose." This certainly is democracy--in its literal sense of unlimited majority rule. But it is not freedom. Political freedom does not mean the expression of a collective will, nor the granting of power to one pressure group to exploit others. It means the protection of an individual from the initiation of physical force by others." America’s Compassion in Iraq is Self-Destructive by Elan Journo & Yaron Brook "The Bush Administration’s war in Iraq embraces compassion instead of the rational goal of self-defense. Such an immoral approach to war wantonly sacrifices the lives of soldiers and emboldens our enemies throughout the Middle East to mount further attacks against us." Clearing the Way for Real Airport Security by Robert Tracinski (no longer associated with ARI)
"How has air transportation changed since September 11? There is only one discernable difference: long lines in which ordinary citizens are subjected to humiliating searches and unnecessary delays. Manpower is wasted searching people who are obviously not terrorists—including the 87-year-old grandmothers—and confiscating innocuous items like nail-clippers….There is only one measure that would be decisive in protecting the nation’s passenger jets from a repeat of September 11: allowing airline pilots to arm themselves. This is the measure that [the Transportation Security Administration] decisively blocked."
Why We Are Losing Hearts and Minds by Keith Lockitch
"Have our leaders asserted that they will use America’s formidable military to secure our way of life by whatever means necessary? No. Lacking the moral confidence to defeat our enemies, they have instead squandered our military resources and sacrificed our brave soldiers in a futile quest to spread “democracy” around the globe—as though bringing the vote to Muslim mobs sympathetic to Islamic totalitarianism will somehow end the terrorist threat."
No Conflict Between Liberty and Security by Alex Epstein"The persistence of the terrorist danger is a result of our government’s failure to act on the evidence it already has. We know that terrorists are the agents of certain militant Islamic organizations—such as Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Hamas—which use terrorism as a tactic to destroy the non-Islamic West. And we know that these groups function only through the assistance of certain nations, such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. Yet Washington takes no military action against those governments, and even cravenly hails some of them as “allies” in the war on terrorism. It is our government’s continuing appeasement of these enemies—not its failure to track our every movement or to monitor our every conversation—that is jeopardizing our security.
"Why do our leaders continue to coddle those who create the terrorist threat, while proposing to protect us by treating all people as equal suspects in a massive game of terrorist Clue? Not because they believe that this policy will work—these same people are declaring that future terrorist assaults are inevitable—but because they dread the negative “world opinion” that would follow if we named and attacked our Islamic enemies. Our leaders find it easier to debate how much to sacrifice the liberty they are charged with defending than to take the principled action necessary to secure it."
ARI stands alone as the Objectivist institution which has had the moral self-confidence to demonstrate vividly and brilliantly how the principle of ethical egoism is the philosophical answer to Islamic Terrorism.