| | James,
I'll have to check it out... I happen to love a good bit of the so-called "new age" music... to me, it is very courageous, tranquil, and optimistic. Even though Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog, calls Glass a "tonal ass" who needs to "write a song with a f#@%!ng tune", I still like his stuff.
You know, that sounds very good... I'll have to also check that out. Even though a lot of Paul Simon's lyrics are stream of non-literally coherent subconsciousness, somehow a lot of his solo music does it for me. I particularly enjoyed his lyrics to "I Am a Rock", from his days with Garfunkel, although I do not like their glorification of drugs and hopelessness in so many other songs...
Point taken. The needle on my sarcasm detector just went past 10, to eleven. *L*
(Edited by Orion Reasoner on 8/21, 6:52pm)