
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 - 2:10amSanction this postReply
Steven, I am trying to get this book published in some reasonable time frame.  Even at one post per day, it will take me until the end of the year to write it.  People can take their time writing responses and I will incorporate them on my hard drive as they come.  Once I get the whole thing written, I will assemble it into a Word document and get interested parties to review it and to critique it in more detail.

To be quite honest, part of my motive in doing a public list this way is to hold myself under the gun to get this project written in a timely fashion.

Post 21

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 - 3:35pmSanction this postReply
> Phil: I definitely think your concerns are valid for large projects...Instead of looking at this book as one large project, why not look at it as 182 (26 weeks * 7 days) smaller projects. [Ryan]

The writing skills and skill at persuading non-Oists still have to be there. And integrating a lot of little pieces is demanding as well...and requires some experience other than being a computer person who is not a people person and doesn't go out and talk and get their feedback. I like Luke, but a flowchart / syllogistic guy ain't going to reach many people.

They simply won't read him.

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Post 22

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 - 3:43pmSanction this postReply
"take me until the end of the year to write it...hold myself under the gun to get this project written in a timely fashion." [Luke]

Exactly the wrong approach.

It's clear that the advice I gave in posts 0 and 1 will simply be ignored. And I **guarantee** that this kind of project cannot succeed while ignoring principles that have been understood by successful writers for hundreds of years. Here are high points of what I said (one would need to reread the entire posts):

1. writing a comprehensive combined theory and practice book of this kind....requires an enormous amount of ability
2. your project...requires proven ability to persuade and reach a non-Objectivist audience
3. first hone and prove [one's] ability to succeed on a smaller canvass
4. one reason for Objectivism's lack of success over the years is grandiosity...people who are in a far bigger hurry than Rand or any other successful writer. They don't master their craft. They rush in.
5. without "learning your craft"... no complex undertaking is likely to succeed
6. "discuss and critique chapter by chapter"...the problem is that not many people on this list have the ability or interest to do this...or writing skill.
7. don't ask Oists to critique something aimed at the general public. They will steer you in *exactly the wrong direction*.

(Edited by Philip Coates
on 5/31, 3:45pm)

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Post 23

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 - 6:23pmSanction this postReply
that this kind of project cannot succeed while ignoring principles that have been understood by successful writers for hundreds of years.
That's a challenge if I ever heard one!

Luke, Phil's telling you that you must put the classic Greek Facade on your book! :-)

Post 24

Friday, June 2, 2006 - 10:13amSanction this postReply
How many published books do you have to your name, Phil?

Thanks so much for all the encouraging words ... not.  I will hire a ghost writer if necessary to assure the book reaches the target audience.  All I really need to do is to get the thing roughly drafted and then get some help to polish it.  The main thing is to get a book of sanity out there accessible to a general audience to counter the insanity of Rick Warren and other wankers.  See the recent news post about the sickening new game to understand the urgency of the need.

Incidentally, Anthony Robbins spent only one month to draft his national best seller Unlimited Power.  So I do not take your critique of time lines seriously at all.  I can say the same for the rushed yet well-crafted scripts for Star Trek II and VI.

Incidentally, Phil, I do not consider "humility" a virtue at all.  Nor do I appreciate your implications that I do not understand Objectivism.  Broken down to its most basic essentials, a five year old could grasp it.  Strip out the fancy jargon and use a few concrete examples and there it is as plain as day.

I now brace myself for yet another stream of nay saying from Phil.

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Post 25

Friday, June 2, 2006 - 11:24amSanction this postReply
Phil, I think you're a great guy, but I really think you are being a wet blanket here.  Maybe Luke IS ready to undertake this.  What's the harm in trying?

Luke, I'll help.  Judging from the number of times a day I cringe at an error in someone's "professional" writing, I'd be a great proofreader!

Post 26

Friday, June 2, 2006 - 11:36amSanction this postReply
Thanks, Laure!  You are a real trooper!  We need more people like you here.

Now that I have worked up a head of steam, let me say make a few more statements.

There is a saying:

The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.

A magnet with this saying on my refrigerator attributes it to an old Chinese proverb.  I do not know the truth of its origins.  But I do know the truth of the saying itself.

I have friends who invest in real estate creatively.  They often deal with entrenched conventional thinkers in various occupations ranging from realtors to title companies to loan officers.  They sometimes encounter obstructionists in these fields who know less than they ought and say, "You can't do that!", to unusual yet legal leasing, purchase and finance methods.  Fortunately, the investors have enough self-esteem to bypass such nay sayers.  Their favorite saying is, "I didn't ask whether I could do it.  I asked how I could do it."

I will employ these role models when encountering my own obstructionists during the progress of this project.

(Edited by Luke Setzer on 6/02, 11:37am)

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Post 27

Friday, June 2, 2006 - 11:45amSanction this postReply

I see this too in my job. There are plenty of people who just do things the way they always have, because thats the way we do it. Finding better ways to do things is always good.

One other thing that Laure hit upon is the "wet blanket" syndrome. I can't stand that. I'm all for keeping things tied to reality, but if people listened to the naysayers all the time we'd still be in the dark ages.

Motivation can overcome many things, especially when the person is competant as well.

Keep going!


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Post 28

Friday, June 2, 2006 - 4:04pmSanction this postReply
> Maybe Luke IS ready to undertake this.

Yes! If he takes cognizance of the points I listed. I thought I was clear that I wan't saying it was impossible, but that one has to go through steps.

Was that unclear?

> "I didn't ask whether I could do it. I asked how I could do it."

Did you miss the point that I was in effect telling you how to do it?

Put it a different way: If you want to tell me I'm wrong about the steps that are needed, *which of the seven points I made was wrong and why*? One has to be able to identify that and flesh it out precisely, calmly, objectively as possible. Your "motivation" and emotions are not going to carry you all the way through. You need to actually answer the seven points I raised.

Have you done your research to see if anything has already been written which does what you want to do? Have you read Craig Biddle's "Loving Life"? What about other self-help writers (like Robert Ringer) who draw on Objectivism? Or the existing websites. Why -start- so early with the two speeches from the novels? Has sufficient context been laid for those unfamiliar with those novels? Does it make sense to discuss something as sophisticated as -axioms- in week two?

> How many published books do you have to your name, Phil?

I have edited and published my own newsletter. I have also been a published writer in academic, philosophical, and professional venues. Have you?


Luke, since you've chosen to "get up a head of steam" and be insulting toward me rather than civil, this is the last time I'll spend. Had you been more receptive to well, frankly, -anything- I had to say, rather than a total militant dismissal, I might have offered some time or involvement. I'll also withdraw from the clubs project. Time is an issue on both for me for the next six months or so, so I especially have to assess whether my inputs are likely to be listened to politely or evoke an angry contemptuous reaction characterizing me this way: "entrenched conventional thinkers", "obstructionists", "naysayers", a" nattering, scratching, pecking, clucking chicken".

Other people like Laure might be very helpful. Especially those who are good proofreaders and can put themselves into the context of non-Oists.

(I think Joe might be a good one to write a book of this kind. He has the gift of brevity and everyday simplicity...which is needed to reach non-Oists...and has been working on doing it already in small installments for his IOP website and Oism 101...I've seen some really good material on those sites, although I haven't read them in their entirety..)

(Edited by Philip Coates
on 6/02, 4:59pm)

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Post 29

Saturday, June 3, 2006 - 7:18amSanction this postReply
Hm, I wonder whether seeing if there are other, similar self-help books out there would be a good idea or not.  It might be better to write your own, uninfluenced by what's out there already, then once you're done, compare and make sure you are saying something new, or saying it in a new way.

I haven't read "The Purpose-Driven Life", but maybe it could be used as a template, filling it in with Objectivist principles rather than biblical principles.

Post 30

Sunday, June 4, 2006 - 9:07amSanction this postReply
Phil wrote:

If you want to tell me I'm wrong about the steps that are needed, *which of the seven points I made was wrong and why*? One has to be able to identify that and flesh it out precisely, calmly, objectively as possible. Your "motivation" and emotions are not going to carry you all the way through. You need to actually answer the seven points I raised.

Phil, thank you for your seven points.  I have confidence I can address each of them as I write the book.  I will not, however, take the time to address them here.  Interested parties can join the list and offer feedback there if they so desire.

Have you done your research to see if anything has already been written which does what you want to do? Have you read Craig Biddle's "Loving Life"? What about other self-help writers (like Robert Ringer) who draw on Objectivism? Or the existing websites.
I have done all those tasks.  I have not located any suitable existing work.  If I had, I would not have undertaken this project.  If someone knows of one, please speak now.

I already read The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren and it turned my stomach.  I have read Looking Out for Number One and Restoring the American Dream by Robert Ringer.  I am currently reading Loving Life by Craig Biddle.  None of these books address some of the key points I want to address.  What are those key points?  Join the list and learn.

I might have offered some time or involvement. I'll also withdraw from the clubs project.
Thank you for your time on the clubs project.  I will locate a more enthusiastic advisor in due time.  Hopefully, such a person will have more encouraging inputs.  I already have a candidate in mind who is a published author, entrepreneur, Toastmaster, economist, friend, and member of my local RoR Club.

(Edited by Luke Setzer on 6/04, 9:08am)

Post 31

Thursday, June 8, 2006 - 12:25pmSanction this postReply
In the article, I wrote:

Target date for commencement of posts stands at Sunday, June 16 for Week 00.

Oops!  I meant June 18, not June 16.

Post 32

Saturday, June 10, 2006 - 6:16pmSanction this postReply
Some words of wisdom from Robert Ringer, author of Looking Out for Number One:

"Never listen to anyone who tries to convince you that what you're contemplating is too unrealistic or too complicated.  Bull!  If it's what you've always wanted to do, do it."

"Don't be so ready to accept criticism and blame.  If you're guilty, say so, apologize, then forget it.  If you're not guilty, skip the apology and just forget it."

Post 33

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - 5:55amSanction this postReply
I just learned of a new book published last month called The Reason-Driven Life by Robert Price.  His book critiques Rick Warren's book point by point and thus serves to demolish a negative rather than to advance a positive.  I intend to post a review when I get some time.

My book opens a possibility of a series of books focused on roles.  Refining the universal roles in my earlier article along with the title of this book, such a series could have these titles:

The Vision-Driven Individual
The Vision-Driven Producer
The Vision-Driven Investor
The Vision-Driven Friend
The Vision-Driven Lover
The Vision-Driven Parent
The Vision-Driven Offspring

Done rightly, these could promote Objectivism in very accessible ways and create a continuing income stream for the Objectivist club network.  I would have to locate authors willing to write them and to split the profits with the network, however.

(Edited by Luke Setzer on 10/17, 5:57am)

Post 34

Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 2:18amSanction this postReply
This project is officially abandoned after test-marketing the club network concept on a small scale from personal funds for several years and finding interest lacking. Projected incomes from the book were not anticipated to generate a marginal additional interest and participation commensurate with the effort required to make the book publishable and commercially successful. So I have ceased effort on it.

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