| | Marty said that religon works under the premise that :
"1. a fictitious character without identity created the world" Uh, no, not necessarily. Almost everytime you anti-religion guys come out of the gates, it's with some silly-ass statement that instantly reveals barely rudimentary knowledge of theology. Here, let me fix this one for you: I am religious, no doubt about it. I am a card-carrying, highly active church member, I belong to a globally recognized church that traces its history back to the 13th century. And yet, I do not believe #1. Ooops!!! Marty was not even talking about creationism properly! He is thinking maybe about some very unfleshed-out interpretation of ancient scripture, which is enough of a pain in the ass to deal with even if you understand it as myth and treat it as myth, which is what, by the way, is going on with all that.
So, maybe it wouldn't be a bad plan to not tell people what their beliefs and practices are, if you do not know what their beliefs and practices are. Eureka!
When you talk about faith, you talk about it in a way that sounds ass-backwards and archaic to what's really going on, at least in the free church. No, I do not blindly believe in something someone told me is "there". Nor do I follow the Bible like a procedural manual. That is not what the Bible is for. The Bible is a big thing, and there is both beautiful and fucked up crap in there. Everytime the religion issue comes up, the first thing people do is trot out some Bible tract and say "see? the Bible is telling you to (horror)..." This is as silly as the Fundamentalists who actually do that. It's hard enough to study the Bible even if you are interested in finding out what's doing in there. I don't spend that much time with it, because there are better things to read. When I do lately, it's been studying the gnostic scripture, which in turn requires a couple of days learning translator notations. And the only reason I did that, aside from it being an interesting intellectual exercise, was to study the evolution of various myths, how they compare to similar myths elsewhere in the world, and so on. Oh, and the other reason was so that I was better armed to fuck with Fundamentalists. It's amazing to talk to novice Fundamentalists about gnostic scripture, particularly the gospel of St. Thomas- you'd think you were slipping them a Penthouse magazine.