| | One more time, for those who still don't get it.
What's the point of the virtue of independence? Why not just blindly follow the whims of other people? Is there something valuable in thinking divorced from action? Or is independent thinking a duty, handed to us by the great Rand, and we must follow it in fear of being immoral?
The point of the virtue is to be able to live your life. The ability to choose your values and think for yourself have huge implications to your life. You're better able to approach everything in life when you do it from a position of understanding and personal growth as opposed to blind obedience. You alone understand your personal context better than anyone else, and so you are in a position to make the best decisions. You can decide which values are objectively best for your to pursue. The virtue of independence has a purpose, and it's to enable you to pursue values that promote your life, unimpeded by the need for other people.
Let's take two simple examples. Two men work at a company. One has no marketable job skills, no savings, a wife and family to support. He can't find a job outside of this company that can support his whole family. He must keep this job. The other man has a diverse range of skills, plenty of savings, and offers from other companies all the time.
Which of these two is more able to pursue his own values? Which of these two is able to decide for himself what's the right thing to do in his life, and act accordingly. Which of the two is practicing the virtue of independence?
Now the boss comes in and tells them both that they need to lie to their customers. Which of the two is in a position to say no?
My argument, from the beginning, was that traditional independence is tied to independent thinking. If the goal of the virtue is to determine how to live your life and act on it, without having other people as your middleman to reality (like having to ask them permission before acting), then the connection is obvious. The purpose of the virtue is invalidated. The thinking of what you'd like to do did you no good because you were dependent.
Say there's a person who always does what other people want him to do. He always acts according to their wishes, without exception. But he thinks about it first, and decides for whatever reason, like he doesn't want to upset them, that he'll follow them. Is this really what Rand had in mind when she discussed the virtue of independence? David seems to think so. He thinks as long as your thinking for yourself, you're following the virtue.
What happens when you're caught in a situation of dependency? By my argument, you should seek to free yourself from, to the extent that you can. I argue you should because dependency will prevent you from putting your independent judgment into practice. David disagrees. He thinks the independent thinking is good in and of itself, and doesn't matter if you put it into practice. He thinks that a situation of dependency is not a problem when it comes to the virtue of independence, because he believes thinking divorced from action is still morally virtuous.
David thinks that if, out of dependency, you choose to follow the whims of whoever owns you, that this is practicing the virtue of independence.
Now, a few more comments on some of these scenarios.
First of all, living with your grandmother for free so you can go to college may or may not be a dependent situation. The question is, do you have other choices? If you're doing it out of convenience, but you could go somewhere else, it's not dependency. David changed this from a vaguely dependent situation to a not-at-all dependent situation by suggesting you can always leave. He said the student could decided on a day to day basis whether it was worth it. Is it dependency when on any particular day, he can get up and leave? But this is just his attempt to ignore the question of dependency. He's made it a trade situation. Is it worth the benefits of staying with your grandmother for free, even when she asks you to do things for her? You decide.
But let's change it back. You have nowhere else to go but your grandmothers. You don't have any money saved up, or obviously you'd be able to go somewhere else. You may be able to work towards moving out in the long term, say in a few months of saving from the time you decide to start trying. But in the meantime, she owns you. If she decides you can't study for your tests, your "choice" is between staying there and doing her chores, or moving out onto the street. Your own value judgments are secondary to hers. You have to do what she demands.
One obvious issue here is that it's rarely 100%. Dependency limits your options, and makes the costs of not following someone else's views excessive. But you still have the choice. You still get to decide whether its worth it. The dependent man working at his company still gets to decide whether putting his family on the street is better or worse than lying to the customers. A man with a few more possible options would be less dependent. The man with jobs lined up to hire him is not dependent at all.
But again, this misses the point of independence, which is not an all or nothing rule, where you're either following it or you're not. Since the virtue is based on a moral principle connecting means to ends, you can pursue those ends to varying degrees. If you want to make your own choices in life, you can make that more or less difficult. The more traditionally dependent you are, the harder it is to go with your own judgment. Instead, you'd have to do what someone else says.
David disagrees. He believes that independent thinking is morally virtuous regardless of how it effects your life (moral rule), and doesn't think traditional independence has anything to do with it. He dismisses the connection between the two.
And this whole argument is over that connection. If you believe that independent thinking is good in and of itself, then dependency doesn't matter. You side with David and think that there's nothing wrong with financial dependence. Alternatively, if you recognize that independent thinking is aimed at pursuing values in your life, and that requiring permission from someone else means you're not really making the decisions, then you side with me.
Independence is supposed to be about dealing with the world directly, without a middleman. And that goes beyond mere contemplation of the world. Life is the standard of morality, and ultimately independence has to be aimed at pursuing your life. Having middlemen between your mind and your actions achieves the same results as allowing a middleman between your mind and reality. In both situations, it is the middleman who is running your life, not you. Only an accept of the mind-body dichotomy would let people like David see a problem with the latter, but not the former.