
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 1:39amSanction this postReply
I queue-jumped this, sanctioned it enthusiastically, & had a hearty belly-laugh at the same time. Joe & I had a bit of a private argument a while back about the respective positioning of rationality & productivity in the Objectivist ethics. I'm sure he won't mind my saying that his formulations here are a major advance on what he was trying to persuade me of back then. I won't go into details, but it's important to remind ourselves always that *all* the virtues are interconnected & mutually reinforcing. They are, as Diabolical would like to put it, an organic whole. Rationality may be said to be the primary virtue *because* it's our means to efficacious *action*—productivity—which sustains our lives & enables us to flourish. The whole *point* of thinking is ... self-benefiting action. The two must never be severed, a la the fallacy of rationalism, or considered in isolation. Nor the others to which rationality & productivity point.


Post 1

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 1:58amSanction this postReply
Thanks Lindsay.  I figured you'd get a good laugh out of it.  And it certainly was a better presentation of my thoughts than when we argued privately.  Also, this just discussed one of the issues, although a major one.  Glad you liked it.

Post 2

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 2:24amSanction this postReply
Good point - too often this integratedness is not emphasized enough, that thinking is no good if not acted on, and that is what productivity is all about.

Post 3

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 6:41amSanction this postReply
Joe, I really liked this article.  I recall our discussions at SOLOC 4 about this topic.

You have addressed rationality and productiveness here.  What about pride?

I adduce that the emotional payoff of thinking rationally and acting productively from those rational thoughts would result in pride, and that earned pride itself would encourage one to continue that pattern of rational, productive action.  But I did not see pride mentioned anywhere in the article.

(Edited by Luther Setzer on 5/13, 8:27am)

Post 4

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 8:28amSanction this postReply
Great essay, Joe! It sure packed a whallop at the end--one which bears repeating ...

"We have to recognize that their moral importance is defined by how they improve our lives.  Life is the standard of morality, and the virtues need to be judged on that scale, just like everything else."

That one nearly knocked me off my seat--thanks.


Post 5

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 11:31amSanction this postReply
I love articles like these that zoom in and focus on a topic within Objectivism – especially when the topic is so relevant to daily living. Nice job.

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Post 6

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 11:40amSanction this postReply
Excellent point, Joe. Too many Objectivists continue to interpret Rand's ethics through the filter of platonism/rationalism/intrinsicism -- and the matter of "focusing" as a purely mental pursuit, rather than as directing one's awareness to the active pursuit of values. Your little essay explains this problem, and its remedy, in a fresh and useful way. Congratulations.

Post 7

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 1:30pmSanction this postReply
Hi guys.  Thanks for the comments.  Glad you liked the article.

Luther, I think I told you that I hadn't given the virtues much thought in the context of pride.  It's still true.  Primarily it's because I'm trying to identify here the nature of the virtues themselves.  By being means to an end, they must be productive.  By grasping a causal connection to determine which means are appropriate, they must be rational.  When I did my Virtuous Living speech (and reprinted as a series of article here on SoloHQ), I analyzed each virtue in various ways, one of which was identifying the values it seeks to gain.  Rationality and Productivity are unique in that they are necessary for every value.  I may write more on this later, but at this point I want to say that I think these two virtues have a special status.

Pride is a little different.  It may be that any virtuous act has some effect on your self-esteem, but that's not what pride as a virtue is about.  Pride is supposed to recognize the important of self-esteem, and actively seek to improve it.  It doesn't seek just any value.  It seeks the value of a healthy ego.  It's not as sweepingly universal as rationality and productivity, especially in the context of virtues.  But these are just introductory thoughts on the topic.

Ed and Jason, glad you liked it.

Robert, I agree with your assessment that the rationalism/intrinsicism view of ethics is widespread.  The virtues in particular are viewed in this light.  I discussed it in my SOLOC4 speech "All or Nothing", my SOLOC 1.5 speech "Virtuous Living", and probably in a half a dozen other places.  We'll have to just keep pounding the arguments until they get through.

Post 8

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 1:43pmSanction this postReply

Nice article. I do think that it can't be stressed enough, like your article did, that virtues, to be real, have to be implemented in your life by action if you are to gain any real value that will actually further your life.

I know the hardest virtue for me to implement consistently is justice. I mean specifically in the sense of giving the people their due, when evaluating their character. I usually tend to err on the side of overlooking people's fault (sometime with disastrous results for me) and amplifying their supposed "virtues".

What do you find is the hardest, if any, for you to implement and what are some of the steps you take to be true to your virtues?

I wonder if any other posters find justice the hardest to implement?


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Post 9

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 2:05pmSanction this postReply
Joe, I love when you post these kinds of articles.  They take philosophy from the realm of the armchair to that of real-life application, where it is most needed.

Would that this could be on billboards everywhere.  :)  Nicely done.

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Post 10

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 4:06pmSanction this postReply
Aquinas, what a horrific spelling of my name!

I don't have too much problem with any of the virtues, at least that I'm aware of.  Sometimes I don't think I'm productive enough, but I get a lot done.

Justice can be a tough one to pursue for various reasons.  One is that justice is often inverted by others.  I wrote an article "Rallying to the Underdog" that describes how people will jump in, even on the side of immorality, to defend someone under attack.  It means even if you try to be just, others may compensate by being unjust.  If someone is a real jerk and you let him know, other people will white-wash his actions and tell him how much they value him.  The result is a greater injustice then ever.  So your attempts at being just are undermined by others.

Also, with this general attitude of jumping to the side of the weaker party, it can be tough for a person to stand against them and do what they think is right.  So the pursuit of justice often ends up becoming an issue of integrity.  Are you really willing to fight for what you think is right, against friends and family and society?

I wrote an article "Not Enough Justice" that discussed some of the effects of living in a world that doesn't value justice high enough.  People start taking it as a given that the world is unjust.  You yourself can't do much about it.  If everyone participated, something could be done, but it so rarely happens.  So this adds to the pointlessness of trying to be just.  You can avoid getting hurt by someone a second time, but you rarely have the ability to have that person get what he deserves.  If someone betrays your trust, or does something really disgusting, what can you do besides sever ties with them?  You might be able to badmouth them, but people will often say "well, he hasn't done anything to me" or something to that effect.

There are also certain relationships that are recognized as being more important than justice.  If you have a bad family, you're supposed to ignore it and live with them...they're family!  The thought of applying justice in that kind of relationship is offensive to a lot of people.  You're supposed to forgive family.  You're supposed to love them no matter what.

Or in a marriage or a romantic relationship, there's supposed to be a loyalty between the couple.  And that means always siding with the other in any confrontation, regardless of merit.  This warped view of loyalty makes justice impossible.

Similarly, because of altruism, it's considered unfair to be just towards people who are weak or dependent on you.  Ask Hank Rearden about that one.

So yeah, I can see why justice is a particularly hard one to follow.  Because it's not highly valued in today's culture, every act of justice is an intense act of integrity as well.  You have to be very sure of what you believe.

Jennifer, thanks for the compliment.  I give you permission to put it up on billboards, with credit to the author of course.

Post 11

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 9:36pmSanction this postReply

I liked the tenor and general idea of your article (virtues and values being inextricably intertwined), but I thought it got off track on the full understanding of independence, concerning its inclusion of values in the independent thought. I'll explain.

Since we know that independence is "thinking for oneself," then we know that under any situation other than coercive brutality (where thinking IS pointless), we think about an instance in reality and how it relates to our values without reference to another's opinion. But you say:

Without the conventional forms of independence, like financial independence, thinking for yourself is pointless.
Does the newly arrived immigrant not think for himself? Does sudden impoverishment prevent thinking for oneself? Does the college student living at home at the whim of his parents not think for himself? Of course, they think for themselves. Even if you are at the whim of someone who is financially supporting you, you can still think for yourself with your longterm values in mind. Even if that person is holding money over your head, you can independently judge the situation to be just as it is and independently determine how to end the situation as soon as possible to achieve your ends, your values. It is not pointless, because you are pursuing your longterm values; you are thinking about them, too, independently. Your virtue is intact; you are acting -- for the virtue of independence requires not only the action of thinking about the current situation in reality but also one's longterm values -- and how the two jibe. The momentary values you achieve when you make your independent judgment in the above scenario may be "patience" and "resolution" and "good humor at the expense of your father" while you keep your eyes on the prize of greater values down the road. Because you are "putting it into practice," you are being independent.

Also, I think you will confuse issues if you choose to make the definition of productivity be different from Rand's.

You said this,

Properly, every virtue is a combination of rationality and productivity. 

Rand's definition specifically relates productivity to the production of goods and services -- not to what you are referring to as "productive" action taken on each of our virtues. In other words, we cannot say that when we are thinking independently that we are being "productive," per se. We can say that we are acting, that we are taking action to achieve our values. But productivity refers to something entirely different. It is a virtue unto itself.

Btw, only such scenarios as concentration camps make virtues "pointless."

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Post 12

Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 1:20amSanction this postReply

I'm not sure how to make this any clearer.  If you can't put your ideas into practice, there's nothing virtuous about them.  We call it mental masturbation.  You seem to think it's good in and of itself, regardless of the fact that it has no practical impact.  That's called an intrinsic value, and Objectivism rejects that explicitly.

You gave a bunch of examples, trying to prove that people can still think for themselves while not being financially independent.  But my argument was that it's pointless if it doesn't amount to anything.  Of course people can still look at reality and analyze it while being dependent.  But there's no point to it.

You then opened the door to real independence by saying that a person who's dependent can figure out a way of getting out of that dependence, so he can make decisions for himself.  Welcome to my world.  That's what I said is the virtue of independence.  But if the person decides that he'll just stick to his life of dependence in action, why do you maintain he's being virtuous?

If you're stuck in dependency, say a young Objectivist child living with his religious family, you don't practice the virtue of independence by accepting your lot in life, but thinking for yourself.  You practice it by gaining the necessary skills or money or whatever it takes to get out on your own so you can make your own choices.  Independence, as a virtue, does not necessarily mean being in the state of total independence and control.  It's a means to your ends.  It recognizes the importance of thinking for yourself, and consequently being able to act upon that judgment.  It then provides guidance to how to achieve that.  Practicing independence means moving towards a position of being able to think for yourself.

I seriously can't understand what the problem is here.  If you have to accept the judgment of others in practice, what value does thinking for yourself gain?  Are you really trying to say that complete dependence on another person is a good thing?  Have you actually read my previous article?  Try here!

Perhaps you can explain what value there is in thinking for yourself when in practice you have to obey the will of another person? 
Btw, only such scenarios as concentration camps make virtues "pointless."
Interesting thought, but not right at all.  It might be true that in that scenario the virtue might always be pointless, but that doesn't mean in regular day to day situations a virtue can be invalidated.  That's what the use of force does.  It doesn't matter if you want to spend your money rationally on improving your life if a robber takes it away.  Every act of force invalidates the virtues to some extent, and in particular ways.

But, as I said in the article I have doubts that you read, if you voluntarily put yourself in a situation where someone has control over you, there's little difference.  Figuring out what you would do if you had your own money serves no purpose when you don't have the money.  You don't get to put your ideas into practice.  Or are you suggesting that thinking what you would do if you had the choice is just as good as doing it?  I certainly hope not.

Rand's definition specifically relates productivity to the production of goods and services
I've heard this argument before.  But let's take a closer look at it, shall we?

Why goods and services?  Why is it that things you can buy or sell are given a special status in Objectivist ethics?  Is there a fundamental difference between material wealth and other values?  Isn't the issue fundamentally about the achievement of values?  You may believe that Rand intentionally or unintentionally created an artificial distinction between material wealth and other values, such as friendship, love, sex, etc.  But morally speaking, the virtue involved in seeking one is the virtue involved in seeking the other.  Both are about the achievement of values.  If you want to argue there should be a fundamental distinction between material wealth and other values that is so vast that a virtue aimed at one is inapplicable to the other, I'd love to see you try.  What is this moral distinction?

In other words, we cannot say that when we are thinking independently that we are being "productive," per se.
We agree!  Finally!  Except somehow I don't think you grasp the point anyway.  You seem very hooked on this idea that thinking for yourself is good in and of itself, regardless of consequences.  But how is that a means to achieving values?

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Post 13

Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 2:12amSanction this postReply
Seems to me Joe is being pursued for the very silly reasons I've stated my annoyance with in the past—not for what he *did* say but for what he *didn't*, when a modicum of cogitation would show the latter to be implicit. Luke faults Joe for not dealing with pride, David, independence (at least not in the way David wanted). For Heaven's sake, folks! Articles are articles. They are not comprehensive treatises. Sometimes, Galt forbid, you may have to fill in the gaps or infer the implications yourselves! Give a guy a break!!

Joe is not suggesting that if you're not financially independent you shouldn't think for yourself, or that it's worthless if you do. He's simply pointing out that in *that* situation, your thinking must be geared to how you get *out* of that situation so that you can *act* on your independent thinking. What the hell is the problem here?

Well, I'll name it. It's rationalism. Again. The idea that thinking can be divorced from, & have virtue independent of, empirical reality. Funny thing is, when I first met Joe, he said I worried way too much about rationalism. Now, he's SOLO's #1 rationalism-buster. Terrific!! :-)


Post 14

Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 3:34amSanction this postReply
Linz wrote:
Luke faults Joe for not dealing with pride...
Just to be clear, I was not attempting to fault Joe for this omission, but simply trying to understand his viewpoint.  I just wanted to know if he had conceived a notion since SOLOC 4 of how pride fit into the framework of his treatment of the other two major virtues of rationality and productiveness.  I could not see it implicitly, and so I asked him explicitly.
(Edited by Luther Setzer on 5/14, 3:35am)

Post 15

Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 6:13amSanction this postReply
Linz said,

Joe is not suggesting that if you're not financially independent you shouldn't think for yourself, or that it's worthless if you do. He's simply pointing out that in *that* situation, your thinking must be geared to how you get *out* of that situation so that you can *act* on your independent thinking. What the hell is the problem here?
I'll start here since this synopsizes Joe's position more concretely than Joe has done.

The above quote is perfect until after the 2nd situation.

Listen to how you have refuted yourself, Linz: "so that you can act on your independent thinking." In other words, you ARE thinking independently, but you simply cannot do everything that an unencumbered person could do with the results of that independent thinking.  But you ARE acting (thinking) -- and you are achieving some values under the circumstances. This is the essence of the problem you guys are having with this. The action IS the independent thinking. Let me repeat that. THE ACTION IS THE INDEPENDENT THINKING. If you are thinking about how to extricate yourself, then you are thinking independently. The immediate results (values achieved) may be such things as: (1) clear plan on how to extricate from current situation; (2) clarity of mind; (3) emotional calm in the face of frustration; (4) diplomacy in face of "oppressor"; (5) economizing time to fit in more work.

We all agree on the fundamentals, ironically. We all agree that you can't be thinking independently if there is no value being achieved. But you guys are not seeing that the vague scenarios that Joe mentions involve values being achieved.

Being in a restricted (but temporary) situation does not stop independent thinking, as long as your mind stays focused on the situation and also stays focused on your long term goals -- and sets about achieving the short-term goals within that environment. Some (not all) of your short-term goals may be restricted, but that does not short-circuit your mind or your behavior. You may have to alter your short-term values to deal with the situation, but not being able to achieve some short-term goals because of a restriction does not short-circuit your brain, your volition, your virtues.

Hundreds of times in our lives we are in situations (jobs, homelife, relationships) in which we cannot immediately get complete satisfaction from our independent thinking -- but that does not undermine the thinking and some values; it does not mean we are thinking independently and altering our short-term values that we can attain in route to our long-term goals.

The point where Joe and Linz are getting off track on this is not realizing that independent thinking refers not only to your current situation but also to your long-term values. If you are keeping both clear in your mind (and the long-term goals are definitely achievable -- outside a concentration camp), then short-term obstacles are simply that: temporary obstacles that you work around by achieving different short-term values.

Think about the scenarios I mentioned in my previous post. Put yourself in those situations. Get concrete on how you would think and act in such situations to be free of the situation and to attain short and longterm values. Would you really not be thinking independently and attaining some values? If we were to use Joe's definition of the term productivity in these situations, then we would say that you would  be productive because you would be staying focused on your situation and you would be attaining some short-term goals while also staying focused on your longterm goals -- and achieving those goals by taking the little steps necessary to eventually rid yourself of the person you are currently dependent upon.

Post 16

Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 9:07amSanction this postReply
David said in post #11:

Since we know that independence is "thinking for oneself," then we know that under any situation other than coercive brutality (where thinking IS pointless), we think about an instance in reality and how it relates to our values without reference to another's opinion.

Then, in post #15, he said:

But you ARE acting (thinking) -- and you are achieving some values under the circumstances. This is the essence of the problem you guys are having with this. The action IS the independent thinking. Let me repeat that. THE ACTION IS THE INDEPENDENT THINKING. If you are thinking about how to extricate yourself, then you are thinking independently.

According to the last sentence, a person who is in a situation of "coercive brutality", but is "thinking about how to extricate" himself, is thinking independently, even though in that situation, "thinking IS pointless".  I don't think so.



Post 17

Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 11:03amSanction this postReply
As Ed Thompson said, I was knocked down by

We have to recognize that their moral importance is defined by how they improve our lives.  Life is the standard of morality, and the virtues need to be judged on that scale, just like everything else.
 How can something be a virtue if it isn't a means to gaining values?
This article was a delight.  As usual, you take difficult concepts and make them easier to understand.  They have words for people who can do that, one begins with "g."



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Post 18

Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 1:49pmSanction this postReply
Rationalists like to view virtues as something you can do in your skull, apart from action in the world. That's one reason they love to interpret "being virtuous" as limited to "acts of mental focus" or "thinking for oneself."

But virtues are means to ends; the ends are values -- things in the world that we act to gain or keep. Virtue is thus the active pursuit of values, and must be exercised.

So here's a "fast and dirty" test to determine whether an action is a real "virtue":

If it can be done from an armchair with your eyes closed, and without moving, it probably isn't a virtue.

Post 19

Sunday, May 15, 2005 - 1:24amSanction this postReply
Luke, it's cool.  I understood where you were coming from, and didn't take it as an attack.  It was an extension of our previous discussion.

David, normally your positions on this site are clear-cut, even if I disagree with a lot of them.  But this thread is so confusing.  You seem to be arguing with me, but half the time you seem to be accepting my argument.  Let me try to spell out the positions and see if you can pick one.

1.)  Independent thinking is a virtue in itself.  It doesn't need to be implemented in action, or the act of thinking is action enough.  You said "THE ACTION IS THE INDEPENDENT THINKING".  It's virtuous to think for yourself, not because it will lead you to making better choices in the world, but because it is virtuous in itself.  What value is gained here?  I can't think of any, except the feeling that you're being virtuous.

2.)  Independent thinking is a tool that allows you to choose your actions to better utilize your life.  It doesn't just provide you with one right choice, but with the enhanced ability to make future choices.  But if you are not allowed to make those choices, say out of financial dependence, then your thinking can't serve to benefit your life.  To remedy this situation, you need to figure out a way of achieving traditional independence.  At that point, with your thinking actually geared towards productive action, it regains it's virtuous quality.

3.)  Essentially agree with position 2, but think that you can and should be happy living under financial dependence as long as it never conflicts with your independent judgment.  As soon as it does, then you can work to remove yourself from that bad situation.  Don't bother thinking about the future until it hurts.

My position is the second one.  I believe thinking with no intention or ability to put it into practice is just day-dreaming.  The only value there is entertainment.  But if you're looking to be entertained by day-dreaming, rationality and independent thinking are not necessary.  I also believe that you shouldn't wait until you're screwed from dependence.  Morality involves planning ahead and avoiding bad situations, and not putting yourself into tight spots that you won't have any way out of.

Julia, glad you liked it.

Robert, thanks for chiming in. You and I are in agreement on this issue.  Interesting quick and dirty test.

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