Marcus asked Hong: “You would pass up the opportunity of a free nude by Michael Newberry?”
Marcus, correction, I said I would enjoy drawing them; not hand over a “free” Newberry.
It may not occur to many people here but I don’t teach, don’t have a government job, never taken government assistance, though I have from my family a few times, don’t do commercial work of any sort, don’t work part-time, don’t take commissions or orders, nor sit on the sidewalk drawing portraits, don’t live at court, and don’t have a patron or two. I sell art that is 100% out of my soul to normal people who feel that art balances their full lives. Lindsay has commented that he takes the Romantic Manifesto seriously, I would say I go way beyond that: I live it. Over the years a personal observation I have seen with acquaintances is that they think that doing what they don’t like is more deserving of respect than doing what they love. I have heard this hundreds of times: “It’s easier for you because you love what you do.” The few that mange to do what they love know it is a thousand times more demanding, difficult, and mentally trying because you intensely care about it. Understanding that one’s dreams are at most times virtually more demanding than they could ever imagine makes that path in life possible; and the reward, for me, is undiluted joy.
So, no talk of a “free” Newberry, ok? And when you are ready I will make you a deal.