| | Ed Hudgins said:
I can't wait for we humans to travel there and settle -- hopefully with private funds and spaceships. In the long run we should terraform the planet, give it an atmosphere and make it another habitat for humans. (You think Roark's skyscappers were an example of man at his best, how about creating a whole new home for homo sapians!) Of course terraforming will change the color of the sky up it will still be beautiful! Ed, or anyone interested, if you are not familiar with him I recommend checking out some of Robert Zubrin's work and checking out the Mars Society, of which is he is the founder. He is an incredibly intelligent man, author of the Mars Direct plan (the cheapest and most sensible plan to reach mars yet), worked on the Nuclear salt water rocket engine, worked at Lockheed Martin for quite some time, and is highly critical of the governments stagnating role in the space program. He is also a wonderful and inspiring writer. Here is one of my favorite quotes of his.
"Stars are the sources of Life. Enormous engines of nuclear fusion, they pour light out into the cosmos, warming the dead cold of space, and provide the antientropic power needed for the self-organization of matter. Starry nights have a mystic beauty, but when consndered from a scientific standpoint they are even more beautiful then they look. For the million specks of light that adorn the black velvet of a dark night sky are, in fact, nothing less that a million fountains of life." - Robert Zubrin, Founder of the Mars Society
Some excerpts from his book "Entering Space" can be found here
The Mars Society home page
The Mars Direct plan
Entering Space
The Case for Mars
Michael Dickey
(Edited by Michael F Dickey on 6/15, 6:14am)