
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Gores, Dean Michael

July 7, 2014
Use of Banks and Dollars: Enabling Infringements on Your Liberty
by Dean Michael Gores
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Banks and dollars had been great, because they helped us trade honest market goods. They still perform this service, which is wonderful. ... (Read more...)
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November 8, 2013
Monopoly Money's End: Distributed Digital Currencies
by Dean Michael Gores
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Discover the source of the US dollar's value, how its monopoly enforcement is used to steal wealth, and how its monopoly status is coming to an end. (Read more...)
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January 24, 2010
War for Men's Minds
Game Theory of Communism and Capitalism
by Dean Michael Gores
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Ever want to see what the numbers were behind people's motivation to be productive in Capitalism vs in Communism? Here's the full scoop, with equations in generalized form. Maybe its time to relax? (Read more...)
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March 12, 2009
War for Men's Minds
Obama and Measuring and Improving the Economy
by Dean Michael Gores
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My take on Obama is that his dream is to make everyone equally wealthy-- while disregarding how this will impact productivity and the health and life of US citizens. The impact will be severely negative, exactly to the degree that spends our wealth away in his expensive "change" policies. (Read more...)
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October 6, 2008
The Is-Ought Problem
by Dean Michael Gores
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For thousands of years philosophers and thinkers have asked the question "What is the meaning of life?". People still ask this question and do not come up with self satisfying answers. I answer to your satisfaction. (Read more...)
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October 29, 2007
Getting a Job you Want
by Dean Michael Gores
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A young woman I ran into a few days ago has it pretty tough. She just got divorced, she has a year old child, and she has never worked or even graduated from high school. Below is a letter I wrote to her. Its Objectivism applied to getting a job. (Read more...)
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December 26, 2006
War for Men's Minds
Socialist or Capitalist, What are You?
by Dean Michael Gores
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Socialists: say producers must provide the bare necessities for Everyone (by forcing producers to give to others) Capitalists: say producers must have full control of their own products (and let less fortunate people die if no one is willing to help them using their own resources) Why do people choose... (Read more...)
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February 23, 2006
War for Men's Minds
The Equivocation of Chickens
by Dean Michael Gores
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Recently I've been focusing on the falacy of equivocation and cases where two people are using different definitions for the same word. In this article I show how to identify the problems in day to day logic and communication. (Read more...)
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December 4, 2005
War for Men's Minds
The Artistic Battleground
by Dean Michael Gores
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Art makes abstract ideas concrete, in whatever form the artist chooses. I have gathered a collection of art, showing examples of both harmful and life affirming art. I discuss the details of their constituents, and infer what ideas they are an abstraction of. (Read more...)
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