
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Harsanyi, David

"'Sympathetic as I am to those who prefer a fight over compromise,' Obama explained, it would be the wrong thing to do.' 'Wrong thing,' as in 'impossible thing.' With Republicans coming, tax rates were going to stay the same or rise for everyone. 'Sympathetic,' as in 'I wish we could use reconciliation or some other procedural ruse to cram this tax hike through, but oh, yeah, we already did that to pass the most contentious domestic legislation in memory.'"
David Harsanyi
And This Is the Thanks Obama Gets?

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(Added by Jim Henshaw on 12/08/2010, 11:30am)
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Our tax system is fairly complex. And complexity is what makes it work. If Jane Taxpayer figures out she spends more than three months of her year working for Joe Biden, well, she might be annoyed. Fact is she should feel blessed. As our vice president once posited, paying taxes is patriotic. So it's worrisome that fewer and fewer Americans are asked to participate in the ethical work of paying off General Motors' $4.3 billion second-half losses or subsidizing wind farms in Montana.
David Harsanyi
Glory to the Taxpayer

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(Added by Ted Keer on 4/09/2010, 4:41pm)
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If liberals are so disturbed by Congress' dictating whether abortion is a legitimate health care issue or not, it only makes sense that they should be equally troubled by government management of other health care decisions.
David Harsanyi
Freedom to Confuse

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(Added by Ted Keer on 11/10/2009, 10:29pm)
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And any scum-sucking scoundrel who points out that "doing nothing" already includes spending billions on renewable energies and living under thousands of regulations is, as New York Times columnist Paul Krugman shrewdly noted, a traitor to humankind.
David Harsanyi

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(Added by Mike Erickson on 7/01/2009, 11:59am)
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