
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Latif, Iqbal

Overheard: "School children who see the exhibits in the Creation Museum in Kentucky will be confused when they learn in school that the universe is 14 billion years old rather than 6,000."
Iqbal Latif

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(Added by Kensal Mobid Kahn on 10/03, 7:10am)
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Let's start calling spade the spade, whenever, tolerance has been overtaken by bigotry, blinkeredness and singularity; nations and empires have just withered away. At heart of hatred, viciousness and venomous intensity lies intolerance, bigotry and inability to ever find the enemy within. Fanaticism is an evil of a society that corrodes the elegance of any culture.
Iqbal Latif
http://www.globalpolitician.com/print.asp?id=3999'Nation of Islam' and Denial of Its Killing Fields!

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(Added by Rudolfo P. Zelenny on 9/27, 6:20am)
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The Pluralism of Ideas and the prosperity of any land are intertwined. Freedom of minds and skill of intellect to 'think the unthinkable' is how humanity has progressed; when minds are incarcerated nothing endures.
Iqbal Latif

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(Added by Kensal Mobid Kahn on 9/08, 11:46am)
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Rationalism was an essential inclination amid the Muslim thinkers during the Golden Age of Islam; it was toleration of ideas in which the so-called golden age of Islam flourished.
Iqbal Latif
The saga of 'missing' Nobel prizes within nations of Islam

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(Added by Michael E. Marotta on 4/21/2007, 5:31am)
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