
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Thoreau, Henry David

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There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
Henry David Thoreau

Discuss this Politics Quote (2 messages)
(Added by C. Jeffery Small on 8/17/2008, 3:12pm)
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Moreover, any man more right than his neighbors constitutes a majority of one already.
Henry David Thoreau
"Resistance to Civil Government"

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(Added by Alexander Butziger on 7/18/2007, 9:54pm)
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The only wealth is life.
Henry David Thoreau
Investor Words Quote of the Day -- http://www.investorwords.com

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(Added by Luke Setzer on 6/16/2006, 6:54am)
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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."
Henry David Thoreau
Walden (1854)

Discuss this Philosophy Quote (1 message)
(Added by Deleted on 11/26/2004, 5:16pm)
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If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
Henry David Thoreau

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 4/16/2004, 8:59pm)
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Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last possible improvement in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man? There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly.
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/12/2004, 1:42pm)
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Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice.
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/12/2004, 1:38pm)
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But a government in which the majority rule in all cases can not be based on justice . . . Can there not be a government in which the majorities do not virtually decide right and wrong, but conscience?
Henry David Thoreau

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/12/2004, 1:37pm)
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Yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way.
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/08/2004, 12:02pm)
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