
Rebirth of Reason

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Sanctions: 4Sanctions: 4
American Optimism
Posted by Barbara Branden on 10/04/2004, 5:48pm
www.melaniephillips.com/diary/ September 1, 2004 Optimists and reactionaries by Melanie Phillips Having just spent three weeks in the US, I was struck once again by how similar and yet how very different that country is from Britain. The thing that really hits you between the...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 1
SpaceShip One making final X-Prize flight Oct 4
Posted by Sam Erica on 10/04/2004, 6:14am
Now, 9 am ET on Monday, October 4 has been set for the second and final flight. The date is also the anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite. ...(Read more...)
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Saddam's Odious Debt
Posted by Adam Reed on 10/02/2004, 11:27am
In dark contrast with the US repudiation of the Cuban debt after Spanish-American War, Bush's failure to repudiate Saddam's debt alienates pro-liberty Iraqis from American forces.(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 14Sanctions: 14
Sanctions: 14
Right War, Right Place, Right Time
Posted by Irfan Khawaja on 10/02/2004, 8:45am
Deleted by author. (Read more...)
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Sanctions: 2
Ayn Rand In Saddams Palace Library
Posted by Eric J. Tower on 9/30/2004, 8:42pm
In the September 30th Entry of his blog, soldier Joe Kane is shown placeing Objectivist political cartoonist's, Cox and Forkum, book into a Palace Library.   On the shelf one can also make out various other Objectivist works by Ayn Rand. (Read more...)
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Scott Muni, RIP
Posted by Irfan Khawaja on 9/30/2004, 3:23pm
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New $50 Million Prize for Private Orbiting Spacecraft
Posted by Jeff Landauer on 9/30/2004, 3:35am
While a team of aerospace engineers takes aim this week on the $10 million Ansari X Prize competition for privately developed suborbital spaceflight, a Nevada millionaire is planning an even loftier contest.(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 7Sanctions: 7
The Cult of Che
Posted by Irfan Khawaja on 9/29/2004, 2:54pm
Ever see kids strolling around nonchalantly in their Che Guevara T-shirts? Ever want to walk over and slap their faces until your hands hurt? Don't do that; it would be an initiation of force, might get you arrested, and would at any rate serve little purpose. For relief from your fury, just read this well-written demo...(Read more...)
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Michael Moore and the Slacker Uprising Tour
Posted by Luther Setzer on 9/29/2004, 6:29am
I just learned that my tax dollars have financed the appearance of Michael Moore at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando courtesy of the Campus Activities Board (CAB) and the Student Government Association (SGA).  According to UCF Announcements page: ...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 5Sanctions: 5
The Manipulator
Posted by Irfan Khawaja on 9/28/2004, 4:51pm
Deleted by author. (Read more...)
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