
Rebirth of Reason

Blogs: Teresa Summerlee Isanhart

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Pesky Christians Stir Trouble at Arab Fest
Pesky Christians Stir Trouble at Arab Fest

Don't even think of questioning Muslims if you have a camera. They think it takes their soul away, or something. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 7/15, 5:38pm)

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Tony the Excavator
Tony the Excavator

Tony Presti, an excavator from Pennsylvania, is very leery of Obamanomics. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 7/10, 6:36pm)

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Peace at Any Price
Peace at Any Price

Obama supporter thinks he's acting "smart" with Iranian protest situation.  (Kudos to Charles Krauthammer) (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 6/20, 6:14pm)

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Hedge Fund Heroes
Hedge Fund Heroes

Obama acts more like a dictator every week! (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 5/01, 6:44pm)

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Hugs Provide Lesson in Government Intervention
Hugs Provide Lesson in Government Intervention

Simple examples always work best. At least, they do for me! (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 4/12, 6:39pm)

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Fun with Fascism
Fun with Fascism

Photoshop reduces stress. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 3/30, 1:57pm)

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Acknowledging a Hero
Acknowledging a Hero

God was no where around on January 16th. Happily, Captain Sullenburger was available instead. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 2/16, 6:29pm)

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What is an "Essential Service?"
What is an "Essential Service?"

Unless you're prepared to argue that I am the property of the state, then you aren't prepared to disagree with me. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 2/06, 9:50pm)

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B.O. Policy Already Causing Harm
B.O. Policy Already Causing Harm

Two jobs lost already, and not a single day served in the White House. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 11/06, 4:50pm)

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Businessmen vs. Bureaucrats
Businessmen vs. Bureaucrats

From "My Future File,"  The Ayn Rand Letter (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 10/17, 3:16pm)

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