
Rebirth of Reason

Blogs: Teresa Summerlee Isanhart

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Lies That Refuse to Die
Lies That Refuse to Die

New day, same lies. 

(Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 7/15, 7:41pm)

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Positive Mysticism
Positive Mysticism

Rejecting reality in favor of faith based, altruistic, magical, abstractly frozen "positivism" in the work place. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 6/19, 7:22pm)

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Evil is Unforgivable
Evil is Unforgivable

For several months I've been trying to design a simple argument against forgiveness when it is used as a kind of spiritually altruistic first principle by my Christian friends when trying to deal with a horrible immorality like this. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 12/15, 1:29pm)

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Business Ethics Question
Business Ethics Question

Is it ethical for an employer to lease an employee to a risk agency without the employee's knowledge or consent?  (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 1/17, 6:34pm)

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4/15/10 Tea Party
4/15/10 Tea Party

Photos of a small Tea Party rally I attended on 4/15/10. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 4/29, 8:33pm)

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Thanks, But I Plan to Stay Poor for Now
Thanks, But I Plan to Stay Poor for Now

Some very creative people on YouTube make a comfortable living just from the ads displayed on their videos. You've seen them, I'm sure. Making videos is hard work, if you've ever tried it. There's nothing "easy" about it, but the government just can't stand that anyone would make a dime without it having at least one fat toe on it. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 3/11, 6:03pm)

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The Truth About American Exceptionalism
The Truth About American Exceptionalism

Did you know that America produces more scientific citations than any other nation in the history of the world?  I didn't. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 10/11, 5:39pm)

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Keep Your Kids Home on Tuesday
Keep Your Kids Home on Tuesday

I didn't want to post another article by Alexandra so soon, but this rant is too good to hold on to. 

 As a matter of principle, keep your kids home on Tuesday, despite the fact that the  worshipy, personality cult game plan for America's school kids has been changed to a more benign list of directives from that self adoring authoritarian we call "Mr. President."  (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 9/04, 4:27pm)

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John Dingell (D) Exposes All
John Dingell (D) Exposes All

A very enlightening radio interview by Michigan Congressman, John Dingell (D). Dingell had a hand in writing the Health Care Reform House Bill. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 8/07, 3:31pm)

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Despite the Promises Dished Out by Obama Tonight...
Despite the Promises Dished Out by Obama Tonight...

Robert Broadus as Boxer to Senator Cardin's Napoleon. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 7/22, 7:10pm)

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