In her book, Viable Values, Tara Smith splits moral camps into 4 camps: Intuitionism, Contractarianism, Rationalism, and Principled Egoism. Intuitionism and Rationalism are easiest for Objectivists to dispense with, but Contractarianism requires extra thought (before we dispense with it as something inherently immoral). (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ed Thompson on 6/14, 3:07pm)Discuss this Blog entry (8 messages) I picked the following quotes because of the unique response that they could have on the socialist mindset. It's not just what you say, but how you say it. Discuss this Blog entry (16 messages) A chronological list of highly-relevant quotes (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ed Thompson on 4/26, 2:27pm)Discuss this Blog entry (1 message) Take a trip through time. View reasoning or criticisms of centralized power from one epoch and compare and contrast them against those of other epochs. Enjoy integrating them where it's possible to do that without forming a contradiction. Allow history to inform your judgments of the current policies and procedures of current administrations of current governments. Should we do any less than that? (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ed Thompson on 3/08, 1:19pm)Discuss this Blog entry (12 messages) The following review was instigated in response to criticism that the marketeers of Airborne give Capitalism a bad name (instead of the class action lawyers and defendants; who are coming out of the deal with over $20 million to divvy-up amongst themselves) (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ed Thompson on 3/07, 12:53pm)Discuss this Blog entry (1 message) Personal blogs are stored thought -- thinking out loud about something you feel is important. Some folks feel that "love" is either fundamentally mysterious, or something that you can't get any better at by thinking about or understanding it better than you did before; they'll react negatively to the following guidelines for becoming a more loving person (though, for some reason, they might not react negatively to these same behaviors if they were personified in the fictional characters of a novel!) (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ed Thompson on 3/06, 2:37pm)Discuss this Blog entry (3 messages) A Paleolithic grocery list (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ed Thompson on 3/03, 1:57pm)Discuss this Blog entry (45 messages) A YouTube link to a video I once made on rationality, rationalism, and empiricism. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ed Thompson on 2/25, 11:19pm)Discuss this Blog entry (3 messages) |