
Rebirth of Reason

Art: Maurone, Joseph

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Seasons GreetingsSeasons Greetings
Joseph Maurone

Happy Holidays!
(Added by Joe Maurone on 12/21, 12:15pm)

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Soundchasers (outtake)Soundchasers (outtake)
Joseph Maurone

Sneak preview: Unused sketch from the upcoming SOUNDCHASERS calender. SOUNDCHASERS is inspired by Ayn Rand's THE ROMANTIC MANIFESTO, Disney's FANTASIA, and the belief that "life without music would be a mistake."
(Added by Joe Maurone on 9/14, 9:18pm)

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Hazards and Benefits of BenevolenceHazards and Benefits of Benevolence
Joseph Maurone

I originally started this painting as a depiction of the crab bucket mentality, but it changed with the aftermath of Katrina. I think the hurricane challenged me morally in my response. Part of me says the victims should have known and left, and prepared in advance. Part of me says the stranded suffer as a result on their reliance on government ... (See the whole comment)
(Added by Joe Maurone on 9/14, 9:58am)

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Joseph Maurone

My feelings on Solo as it currently is can be summed up by this picture.
(Added by Joe Maurone on 9/09, 10:27am)

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The Randles-Murray HillThe Randles-Murray Hill
Joseph Maurone

Just for fun, the last days of the Randles before they parted ways. What might have been had they stayed together.
(Added by Joe Maurone on 8/31, 10:54am)

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Joseph Maurone

In honor of Kat and Michael. Shine on!
(Added by Joe Maurone on 8/18, 2:12pm)

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Joseph Maurone

I painted this as a tribute to the uplifting power of music, and offer it as my yuletide contribution; may you all keep dancing to your own pied piper. To the best within you all, and shine on! Joe aka SPACEPLAYER
(Added by Joe Maurone on 12/21/2004, 9:43pm)

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Fight Fire With FireFight Fire With Fire
Joseph Maurone

An inversion of the medieval "damsel in distress" as a metaphor for the modern day perils confronting many a single mother, who in the absence of a knight in shining armor, have to "fight fire with fire"...
(Added by Joe Maurone on 11/29/2004, 3:21pm)

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